Life is a rollercoaster….

….just gotta ride it.

Yeah, I don’t really like that song either, but it just sums up my feelings at the moment, so I’m going with it.

I really don’t think my hormones have been crazy since I got pregnant. Hubs may disagree entirely, but I think I’ve been fairly balanced. Well, I was. I seem to be unhinging slowly. Like on Friday night I was reading The Chronicle on the train on the way to Melbourne, and was checking out the death notices to get ideas for names. (What? It was Hubs’ aunty’s idea!!) And then I started reading the tributes attached to those names and started crying a little bit. And they didn’t even have any comics to cheer me up again!

And then there was this morning. On my way to work I somehow got the song “Butterfly Kisses” in my head. I know most of the song, and I lost it when I got to the following verse. And the worst thing was, my brain wouldn’t stop singing it!! I was actually crying (mascara-smudging-crying) as I walked across the pedestrian railway bridge tears of joy and sentimentality:

“She’ll change her name today.
She’ll make a promise and I’ll give her away.
Standing in the brideroom, just staring at her.
She asks me what I’m thinking
And I say I’m not sure.
I just feel like I’m losing my baaaaby girl.
And she leans over.
And gives me butterfly kisses, with her mama there
Putting little white flowers all up in her hair.
Walk me down the aisle Daddy, it’s just about time.
Does my wedding gown look pretty Daddy?
Daddy don’t cry
Oh with all that I’ve done wrong, I must have done something riiiiiiight…..”

And I’m off again. Excuse me a moment…..

1 Comment

  1. I’m not even pregnant and Butterfly kisses makes me cry every time I hear it. We were going to have it as a wedding song, but the day before I changed my mind 😛

    Anyhoo, I’m sure you’re not thaaat bad 😛 I bet I beat you on “crazy moods/mood swings” and once again, I’m not even pregnant 🙂

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