Did you know?

Did you know that in the last 2 weeks, I’ve written a blog post almost every day? No? Well that’s because those posts haven’t made it from my head to my keyboard in that time. But I tell you what, there have been some crackers in there! For instance, I finally told you guys all about Darby-doo’s baptism; I shared some baking that I’ve been doing; and I shared with you that we are completely hooked on the TV series Falling Skies. I’m totally crushing on Dr John Carter (fine. Noah Wyle) right now. Can you blame me? (Holy moly look at that baby face!!??? Has it really be that long since ER was on TV??)

Did you know I had a big cleaning frenzy on Wednesday and have vowed to keep the place in a respectable fashion from now on, and so far I have!? Our dining area went from this:

dining before

to this:

Dining after

and the kids toyroom went from this:

toyroom before

to this:

toyroom after

I completed my to do list that day and feel great for it. I’ve also been putting in more effort day-to-day to keep it in a nice state so that each morning we’re not waking up to a mess. I think it’s helping with our morning routine as well.

Did you know that I like my bananas to be really ripe? Like really ripe. Like this:


Did you know that I don’t actually know how to turn on our new laptop/tablet? I just press all the buttons on all the sides until something happens.

Did you know that Darby has started pulling himself up to a standing position? He’s not even 8 months old yet, nor is he crawling – just scooting around on his tummy commando-style.

darby standing

Did you know that he smiles whenever I pull my phone out to take a photo? As per above.

Did you know that I’m a Marriage Celebrant? I did my professional development last weekend and it was so great to meet other celebrants in the area and it got me all geared up again to DO MORE WEDDINGS! Know anyone who needs a celebrant? 😉

Did you know, that for the first time in my life I’m actually losing weight and it’s not as hard as any other time I’ve tried? I’ve just finally (FINALLY!!!!) found my sweet spot. I’m still enjoying life, but I’m just not feeling the need to shove crap in my cake-hole every single day. I haven’t felt this good in a looooong time, nor have I ever believed that a) I can reach a healthy weight and b) that I can keep this up long-term. I’ll update you as I go!

Did you know I’ve been meaning to share an hilarious youtube video of the kids singing Let it go. Which I will do…. now! Enjoy Quinny’s finale 🙂

Did you know that Darby-doo is now big enough to sit in the trolley seat? So this is my view when I’m feeling daring enough to take the three of them for a (very) quick shop:

kids in trolley

Did you know that I’ve been blogging for 7 years now and I still love it!? Like, seriously love it. I should do it more often 😉

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