Happy 2020

It’s been a busy day around here. My parents, in their usual awesomeness, have had the kids since Tuesday afternoon, so I’ve had 2 full days and nights to do whatever I choose. NYE was spent with Frith’s mate Ben which was exactly what I needed – a few drinks, easy conversation, a couple of rums at midnight followed by some Brooklyn Nine-Nine. NY day was spent with Kate, and we watched shows and movies all. day. long. It’s been years since I’ve done that, and it was just what I needed.

Today it was down to business. I completely went through all of the kids toys (except the Lego – I only had a day not a month!!!) and sorted and culled and organised to within an inch of my life! With the help of my friend Chris, and a visit from my friend Alison (bearing gifts of Prosecco!!) I got the two rooms and most of the living area done. It felt like such an achievement. I also checked the mail late in the day and received my very first 40th gift and card from my dear friend Kat. So so special.

I’m completely shattered tonight. I microwaved some leftovers, had another glass of Prosecco, and kicked back to watch some Parks and Recreation. I watched it years ago and it’s like an old friend I like to re-visit from time to time. Tonight’s episode was when Leslie and Ben get married. I actually blogged about it the first time I saw it 3 years ago!! (Scroll to the end for wedding photos 🙂 ) I bawled again, because it is just the sweetest episode, and it got me thinking about how we all need a Ron and an Ann and a Ben and Leslie and a Chris and Tom and Andy and April and Donna and even a Jerry in our lives. And I am so fortunate to have them all; to have you all.

I have so many people holding me up and keeping me going every single day with messages of love and support and encouragement; I have people who love my kids and want to spend time with them and teach them things; I have people who will let me vent and complain and whinge and get things out of my head; I have people who let me ugly cry on them, getting snot and tears all over their clothes; I have people who I can depend on who come through for us time and time again.

I know how fortunate I am to be surrounded by some of the best people around, and I want you, need you to know how grateful I am to you all. Thank you and I look forward to an incredible 2020 xxxxx


  1. Sounds both relaxing and productive! I wouldn’t tackle LEGO either. I feel like there should be professionals you can call in for something like that!

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