Burn Baby Burn

Hubs and I popped down to Sorrento a couple of weeks ago to visit some rellies and spent the night on Saturday. We didn’t have anything planned for Saturday arvo, so Hubs’ Dad took us for a walk along the beach. Now, I thought we might be going for a nice leisurely stroll along the beach for an hour or so, so I was just wearing my jeans and joggers and a singlet. I didn’t bother putting sun cream on as we were leaving around 3pm and wouldn’t be out long.

Or so I thought.

3.5 hours and 12km later, we were back home. When we left it was pretty overcast, but by about 4pm the sky had completely cleared and I could feel my poor nose roasting!

I also got a lovely singlet mark, complete with a white patch where my pendant was sitting! Nice!

But the best sunburn of the day goes to Hubs and his chesty bonds tan! Classic!

So the moral of the story, kids? If you’re going to go out in the sun and not wear sun cream, don’t wear things that leave embarrassing tan lines!!

1 Comment

  1. Phuwhoah! Still recovering from all that skin on display!
    Tell me about it! I do it ALL the time! Even with sunscreen – aka: NYE tan still remaining with me till next year – nice clear demarkaction lines red top half-white middle.

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