A numbers game – Melbourne

6 – the number of times I’ve gotten caught in the rain without an umbrella
4 – the number of times I’ve been asked by tram inspectors for my ticket
0 – the number of times I’ve been busted without a ticket (cos I’m a good little girl)
3 – the number of $15 hair cuts I’ve had at Pivot Point hairdressing school
3 – the number of $15 hair cuts I’ve LOVED
3 – the number of pairs of Mary Janes I’ve bought down here
2 – the number of times I’ve almost been hit by a tram (I felt it was “almost” but I’m sure it wasn’t that close)
7 – the number of parmas I’ve had (not all at once)
12 – (at least) the number of marinara pizzas Hubs and I have consumed at Papa Gino’s
6 – the number of times we’ve vowed we’ll try somewhere new to eat, and ended up at Papa Gino’s
10+ – the number of places I’ve been to that I’ll never be able to find again, in the maze of alleyways that is the Melbourne CBD
20+ – the number of times I’ve complained about the weather since moving here
15 – the number of grapes I’ve eaten while writing this post 🙂

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