Get shorty

I had been growing my hair long for a while, but all I ever really did was wear it up. Except of course, in this photo I wanted to use:

And then I got over it. Hubs gave me a 5 trip pamper voucher for mothers day (among other things!) and one of the trips was a visit with a hair stylist, and a hair cut. She really chopped a lot off!

It wasn’t really what I asked for, which was a repeat of this hair cut I got a few years ago that I LOVED:

(of course I’m eating in both shots. Hubs likes to sneak up on me like that!!)

But I’m liking it more and more every day. Ready for a dodgy self portrait?

And obviously it’s going to get a lot shorter, as per #015 of my 101 in 1001 days!

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