My happy little vegemite

This is my little girl. “She’s very happy” as Chanbe would say. He says it all the time, because my little Quinn is happy a lot. She hardly ever cries – usually only when she’s really hungry, is about to vomit, or if Chanbe donks her on the head with one of his Matchbox cars. Even then, it’s gotta be a pretty big donk.

She goes to bed happy and puts herself to sleep sucking her thumb.

She wakes up happy, talking to herself and playing with the blanket.

She loves her big brother, and he was the first person to make her laugh, just yesterday. It was the most lovely sound in the world. Her face lights up when Chanbe is playing with her, and she smiles when he gives her a big cuddle and a big kiss, which is often.

She smiles when she sees her Dadda’s face when he comes home from work, and grabs onto those dreads as tight as she can. That makes Dadda smile. A lot.

And all day long, she smiles at her Mama. My heart just bursts a thousand times a day and I feel like the luckiest gal in the world.

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