Feeling existential?

Google “Uptown Funk” and watch the film clip.

It’s impossible not to smile and want to try some of the moves in this music video. Is that what you kids are calling them these days? Do you remember RAGE? I never watched RAGE. It was too hip for me. I was a Video Hits kinda gal myself. More mainstream. That’s me.

Or that was me, until Hubs and I got together. Since then it’s been all backstreets for us. And it’s been great.

It’s Friday night. A few hours ago we were joined in Rocky by my parents, Hubs’ Dad, and Uncles Ben and Clayton. It’s going to be a great weekend. We are celebrating Darby’s baptism on Sunday, and more friends arrive throughout the weekend. We also have some local friends who are able to share this special day with us.

There’s so much to tell you. Do you know how many times a day I write blog posts in my head? It’s several. Every day. My blog is on my mind often, most days, and it’s times like this that I wish we had a designated spot for a designated computer that I can blog from, with all my photos within easy reach.

It will happen. It will take time to get this beautiful house of ours in order, and we are getting there.

I want to tell you all about how Quindy sings “Let it go” from Frozen all day long. But she says “ellit go” instead. And how Chanbe sings “Brave” just as much, and I love him more each time he sings it. It’s just too wonderful. I have awesome videos of both of these, and I’ll upload them soon.

I want to tell you that life is going well right now. I want to tell you that I didn’t get to bed until after 10:30pm after my last blog post because I had to help out Darby and Hubs and then Chanbe before my head finally hit the pillow. And that I didn’t mind at all. Cos that’s what wifeys/mamas do.

I want to tell you that Hubs has been on a real video clip kick lately, and that’s why I know what “Uptown Funk” is all about. And I really can’t get enough of it. It just makes me happy. And I’m really into doing things that make me happy right now.

And having family around me certainly fits that criteria. It’s going to be a great weekend.


  1. Life is sounding wonderful. I hope the time with family has recharged your batteries again. I look forward to seeing the little ones even if it just through a video clip. They are growing up way toooooo fast. Disapponted we didnt make it down but as it turns out I have had a cold all weekend so would have not been up to the long drive.

    Love to all

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