
We had an early Christmas treat last Tuesday when we took Hubs’ family to the Lego display at the Brisbane convention centre. First of all, it was just so much fun being together. Hubs’ brother and sister-in-law are visiting from NZ so it’s so nice to spend time with them. After some initial shyness, Quinn came around to aunty Sarah’s charms and were besties after that.

And as per usual, my wonderful nieces entertained my children for me so I could have a bit of adult conversation with other adults! Hubs’ Dad brought 97-year-old Nanna along for the show as well!




How great does she look!? Thank you to Poppy for bringing her along – you make it look easy but we know what is involved! Lots of cuddles for Poppy too.


Now to the Lego! The displays were pretty damn impressive, though some interactive displays would have really made it something special.




There were heaps more displays but considering I started writing this post a well ago, I thought it best I just hit the publish button!


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