10 things on the 10th

Random edition.

1. I have internet. I may never surface again. I have a to-do list of about a hundred things, mostly fun stuff, and it’s nice to be back online. I have been on my laptop a lot the last two evenings and it’s bliss.

2. I’ve been unpacking and settling in. There’s still a lot in boxes but we have the essentials and we are doing okay.

3. I am grateful for many things in my life right now. The kids like school, the walk to and from school is gorgeous, and my kids get to see their grandparents a lot more, just to name a few things.

4. I have SO many emails and messages to catch up on. I know there’s no pressure to, but I want to.

5. I had lunch at the new precinct at Chermside shopping centre. Holy moly! I didn’t even know they were building that, let alone that it was complete! Crazy!

6. I have been very kindly given a few massage vouchers and have started cashing them in. Thank you so so much.

7. Our house in Rocky is finished and ready to be rented. I hope it happens sooner rather than later.

8. I’m drinking a bit too much a bit too often. Not to excess per se, just need a few more regular alcohol free days and weekends.

9. Even though I haven’t been able to make it to the mum fit classes down here, I do have a plan to start some PT sessions and continue with my walks to and from school.

10. Mum and Dad’s house is amazing. The view is stunning, the breeze is incredible, the space is lovely, the company is perfect, the feel is homely. I can’t quite say I feel like I’m “at home” but I’m as close as I possibly can be in my current circumstances. And that is definitely something to be thankful for.

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