10 things on the 10th

10 things to keep you in the loop

1. Darby’s cake – I actually considered not making him anย actual birthday cake (I made cupcakes for him to take to kindy) but then I realised that I was setting him up for “third child forgotton-about syndrome” (it’s a thing) so I consulted the cake bible and came up with this:


Which was a blend of these two:


And he liked it ๐Ÿ™‚


2. Chance finished prep with not one case of headlice! (But wouldn’t let me get a photo of his last day ๐Ÿ™ )

3. Bought a Christmas tree and got a free frog


4. Decorated said Christmas tree


5. Posted Christmas cards (that’s a third of the total bundle)


6. I’m sure it’s been done before but I came up with a way of sending pikelets with jam on them to Prep without making a mess with jam on top! Winner! You could even add cream but I wasn’t sure of the refrigeration situation once it got there.



7. We need a bigger bathtub. Actually we just need a new bathroom…


8. ย We got stuck in a cow jam on the way to picking up the Christmas tree. There was a large herd of cattle being moved from one paddock to another, and the cows were spread across about 500m of a stretch of road. Chance’s comment: “We’re going to be stuck in this cow jam for ages!”

9. Speaking of Chance, he wanted to write Christmas cards to all of his classmates. And he did. All 25 of them plus 2 teachers. I gave him the class photo so he could tick the kids off (putting Lego figures on them) as he went. He even remembered the 2 kids who had joined his class after the photo was taken. I was very impressed by his persistence!


10. My accidental/incidental fringe thanks to the regrowth following my postpartum hair loss after Darby. I’d never noticed it with the other kids as I’ve always had short hair but it’s rather obvious this time around!


Of course it’s not limited to my fringe area. Some days this is just how I roll:


Talk about fly-aways!

So that’s all for now folks! That pretty much gets you up to date with our goings-on. And now that the Christmas cards have been sent, I can get back to all the things I’ve been neglecting over the last 5 weeks while they’ve been taking up my evenings!

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