10 things I am currently grateful for:
1. This face. 12 weeks today!
2. Sleep
Jules is giving me so much sleep for a 12 week old! And even though Darby is waking me up a fair bit at the moment (damn excema flare up!!) he’s pretty easy to settle once he’s in our bed. It’s amazing how much easier parenting is when you have a 5-6 hour stretch of sleep under your belt!
3. My boobs
Stay with me here – just the fact that I have been able to breastfeed all of my babies with only a few dramas along the way. I am so grateful for this.
4. Our king size bed
Because sometimes by 6am there are five of us in there…
5. The weather
Aaaaah winter in Queensland. Is there any better time of the year? Cool nights and warm days. Just bliss.
6. A developing plan for next year
I still can’t share the destination as it’s not 100% locked in but things are starting to come together for 2018. More details to come very soon!
7. Neighbours bringing dinner over
Is there any meal better than one that you don’t have to cook yourself? I think not.
8. Hubs
This man just keeps on keeping on. We are in such a lovely place right now and have been savouring coffees together on our deck, knowing our weeks here in our Rocky house are numbered.
9. School pick up
We have friends with a teenage son, and he has been walking Chance home from school the last four or so months. He is unable to do it this week so I’ve been doing it and I must say that I can’t wait for him to be available again next week! Getting three kids there and back to pick up a fourth is not a lot of fun. Especially when I make the silly decision to do it on foot! Won’t be trying that again anytime soon…
10. Fit Mums
Yes yes I know I bang on about this all the time but I just can’t help it!! I love my three morning sessions a week, and I’ve also started trying to go to the high intensity interval training sessions the other two evenings, but it all depends on Hubs getting home on time. One of the biggest things I will miss when we leave at the end of the year.