10 things I’m grateful for
1. This blog. I started writing 11 and a half years ago, and it’s documented most of my marriage and all of my kids lives. What a gift to have it all in one place to look over whenever I want.

2. My community, both online and in person. The comments and encouragement and love I receive are always so heart-warming and sometimes exactly what I need to keep me going.
3. School Mums and Dads. Part of my community, for sure, but a special mention needs to be made. I have so many people happy to help at the drop of a hat, and the same people ask me to help with their kids as well, which I absolutely love.
3. My kids. They get me out of bed, metaphorically and literally, every single day. They need so much from me, but give back in spades.

4. My immediate family of Mum, Dad, Kris and Kate. They are the world around the kids and I, and I couldn’t survive without them.

5. My health. Even though I’ve been unkind to my body this last year, it is still doing a great job. I’m gradually working towards getting it back in better working order.
6. My cousins and extended family. I grew up with them and they are some of the best people I know. I’m just lucky that I get to be related to them too. Can’t wait for Christmas Day!!
7. My friends. Oh how blessed I am in this department. I have the absolute best people in my life and I appreciate each and every one of you.
8. My house. Even though I didn’t absolutely love this house when I first bought it, I’m loving it more and more as the months go by. Yes I wish it was a little bigger, and that there was a huge tree or three in the back yard, but you can’t have everything. It’s great for us and will be amazing as the kids get older as well.
9. Medication. The new meds I am on are making me feel normal and nice and optimistic and hopeful again. It’s as though I’ve woken up after a year in a foggy cloud. It’s good to be back.
10. A good bedtime routine with the kids. Frith and I worked very hard on this over the years, and I’m pleased to say I have continued with it on my own. All the kids are in bed by 8:15pm and mostly asleep not long after that. That makes me pretty damn happy š
I know there are so many more things in my life to be thankful for which is a blessing in itself xxxx
Iām grateful for you. ā¤ļø