10 things I’ve missed about Melbourne

Hubs and I arrived in Melbourne yesterday for a week. Child free. He has exams today and tomorrow morning and then the city is ours to enjoy. So for today’s 10 things in the 10th, I give you Melbourne and all its awesomeness.

1. Cheap food. Particularly cheap sushi. The sushi we bought yesterday was $2.20-$2.50 per roll, and delicious.

2. Good coffee. Everywhere.

3. The public transport. Particularly the trams.

4. The shopping.

5. Good friends to stay with (thanks Jason and Susan) and to visit.

6. Everyone just minds their own business and kind of does their own thing when you’re out and about. I never feel judged down here.

7. It’s easy to walk everywhere when we stay in Carlton.

8. “The sprout and the bean”. This song was used in a “Visit Victoria” song before we moved to Melbourne and it became our Melbourne song. I played it on my phone yesterday as we were sitting in a lane way having a drink and it brought back so much for me.

9. Dinner with family. Our Melbourne rellies have a family dinner in Tuesdays and we went last night for a great catch up, amazing food and some of the best company in town. Love you guys.

10. The feeling I get when I come to Melbourne. This last one is a bit of a lead-in to my next post. And strap yourselves in guys, cos it’s going to be post #1000 on the blog 🙂

Decisions decisions

Even though we’re more of a ‘good choice/not a good choice’ family, today’s post is about the decisions I’ve been making lately. You see, I’m not quite with it at the moment. Things are being forgotten or not carefully considered. Or not at all considered. Take Monday, for example. I decided that I could pop out at 2:50pm on foot, with the pram, to pick up my big prep boy. (Side note, if you ask him how school is going, be prepared to be corrected. It’s prep.) I decided that a few drops of rain was no big deal. I just wasn’s quite prepared for the deluge we got caught in, on the way home.

Then came Tuesday. It’s been absolutely positively sweltering up here as of late. Like, sweat dripping onto the dinner plate while eating hot. So gross. And rainy. Very very rainy. And stormy. So at 1pm on Tuesday, I’d had enough of the heat, and decided to ask my friend down the road what she was up to before school prep pick up and invited myself over to enjoy her air con. This was definitely a not-at-all-considered moment. The 500m walk down with Q & D in the pram went fine. 15 minutes later, the rain came. And boy did it come down hard. And all I could think while I was sitting there, keeping cool was THE WASHING! THE HOUSE WINDOWS! THE CAR WINDOWS! And I was powerless.

It’s the sort of thing I would get cranky at Hubs for doing – leaving everything wiiiiide open and going out.

And then there was last night. Did I mention it has been stormy? I had to go to the other side of town to meet up with a couple I’m marrying in a couple of months. It wasn’t raining when I left home, but by the time I was half way there, I was caught in a massive thunderstorm. Lightning, gusts of wind, torrential rain… I had to actually pull over at one stage as I couldn’t see anything in front of me. This is exactly the kind of weather one should not be driving in. I eventually arrived, got absolutely soaked, as I hadn’t considered bringing an umbrella, and then after our meeting was done, I had to politely ask if I could hang around until the storm eased off a bit.

It has been seriously crazy up here lately. I am very grateful that our roof got replaced before it all hit. We are supposedly in for a cool change tomorrow and over the weekend, which I’m really hoping will come to fruition as we are celebrating Quinny’s 3rd birthday then. And then it’s off to Melbourne for Hubs and I on the Tuesday.

Booking that trip was definitely a good decision.

My big boy

Chance started prep today. He was so keen to get into his uniform this morning. He asked me if he was the most perfect prep boy ever.


He wanted a Star Wars backpack but all the ones I found were cheap and rubbish. So Hubs and I decided to hit up the Army disposal shop in town for a black canvas backpack, then it was off to Spotlight for the fabric. And hey presto!


I also love that it’s a one-off so he’ll always know which bag is his. I think he likes it.


And the books! Oh the covering of the books! I secretly love it 🙂


Since Hubs is home on study leave, he took some time out this morning to be a part of Chance’s first day which was lovely. The kids crammed into the pram and off we went on this stinking hot morning.


We were obviously hanging around too long at drop off time, as Chance very politely requested for us to “please leave now”.

And the verdict? “It was even better than kindy!” And let me tell you, this kid LOVED kindy.


Things people say

I had four  encounters with four different people the other day that all had an impact on me. It’s amazing how just one line from someone can change your mood in an instant, sometimes for the better and sometimes not.

“We’ll get there dear”

Hubs said this to me in the middle of a bit of a panic attack. I couldn’t quite shake the stress of having to get renovations started on the house. I was stressing about money, about not having enough time for everything, and about getting Chanbe organised for prep next week. He gave me his full attention, listened patiently, and assured me that everything would be fine. And I believe him.

“You look more relaxed than when I saw you before Christmas”

A friend said this to me when we caught up for coffee. This was not too long after my little chat with Hubs. Amazing how I didn’t really know I was stressed until I wasn’t.

“No, I want to keep Darby”

Hubs keeps hinting at us having another baby. Our baby rocker was sitting in the middle of the media room and Hubs said we should give it away or have another baby. He asked Quinny “would you like another baby brother or sister?” And that was her response. Hubs and I couldn’t stop laughing. We had to explain that we would be keeping Darby as well.

“Aah another organised mum”

I went to pick out Chance’s prep booklist while I was out and about, and being new to all this, I had no idea what to do. I turned up to the education resource centre that I was directed to, but I had left the booklist at home. I had Chance and Darby with me and was a bit distracted when it was my turn in line. I said something along the lines of “prep, The Hall state school booklist”. I was greeted with a blank stare and a “yes?” I apologised and explained what I needed but that I’d left the list on the fridge at home. “Another organised mum.” I did not appreciate the comment. But I also didn’t care. She knows nothing about my life and I know I’m doing my best.

It certainly reminds me how words can have a huge impact on someone’s day and I will certainly try to keep in mind these three things before I speak: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?


6 to go

Man I’m only just going to be scraping in with my 1000 posts before the end of February! And I’m kind of hoping I get them all out by Monday so I can celebrate on Tuesday. You see, we are having a little Aussie Day BBQ at our place on Tuesday, and I’d love to make a huge cake of some sort to mark the occasion, but there’s no point in just making it for us as I would surely eat it all. Or at least, far too much of it.

So, 6 posts to go. Are there any requests? Anything you’re dying to know about me, or would love to hear my take on?! Probably not, but I thought I would ask anyway.

I’ll try not to cop out too much and just post photos. Though, we’ll have to see how we are going for time. I’ll also have a look at any posts that I might have begun over the years and never completed.

And as I type this, I’m also over at Blurb.com putting together my old blog into a book! So super excited about that! Also trying to tick off a few more things on my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.

Now I have 5 to go 🙂

When husbands help

In case you missed the news, Hubs is off for 3 weeks on study leave. Having him at home for this study can be tricky, as I can’t really help myself – if I know he’s there, I’ll offer him endless cups of tea or interrupt him for “just a sec” which is infuriating I’m sure when you’re in the study zone. So I’ve been trying very hard to just leave the house with the kids as much as possible.

The wonderful thing is, Hubs has been getting up with the kids in the morning and doing the breakfast shift while I catch a few more precious zzzz’s. But this morning, thing went a bit awry.

When you’re on your own most mornings from 7am, you get into certain routines with the kids; routines that are essential for getting out the damn door in the morning. On a kindy morning, this means getting up around 6am, having brekky together, cleaning up, packing lunches (if I haven’t done it the night before) (I never do it the night before. Wait… I think I did it once and thought “I should do 1this all the time!), packing kindy bags and heading out the door by 8am. Most of the time, we do it pretty well, but this morning was a disaster.

Hubs offered to walk the kids to kindy, but there was a lot more stuffing around and they didn’t set off until 8:30am, by which time Chance had started building something with his Lego and made it very clear that he did not want to go to kindy today.

After trying to negotiate, be understanding, talk about all the great things he would get to do, there was no budging him. Then the screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth began.

It was not a smooth drop-off to say the least. Thankfully I got the “it’s all good” text half an hour later. This is what happens when we stray from the routine people!!

Happy birthday to me

Birthdays are funny things as an adult. Chance was getting very confused as to why there weren’t a dozen huge presents to open, since that’s his recollection of his last birthday I suppose. But for us adults, at least in our household, birthdays go a little something like this.

Breakfast in bed. Hubs makes killer poached eggs and bacon. A great way to start the day.

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A bit of bling from Hubs and the kids. This piece is called a “sphere of life”.


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We headed out mid-morning to hit some op-shops together as a family. I hit the jackpot with a dress and skirt, both $6 and both brand new with the tags still on them! The kids got a little something each, and Hubs found a couple of things we’d been looking for for a while.

45 minutes of peace to enjoy a hot coffee and some brownie with home made ice cream and NOT SHARE ANY OF IT! Do not underestimate how amazing this time was for me. And excuse that huge pile of old guttering – they are picking that up tomorrow.

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I was also spoilt with a surprise cake from my neighbour, and some friends came over with their kids in the afternoon to share it. So so lovely.

An easy dinner for the kids.



Cute kiddies in the tub. It’s getting a bit squeezy in there these days I gotta say…



A special dinner for Hubs and I. Even though I cooked these creamy garlic prawns on rice, topped with basil from our garden, myself, it was still a big treat. Plus I love cooking if it’s the only thing I’m doing at that exact time.



Accompanied by my absolute favourite sparkling white at the moment.



So even though Chance was disappointed with the lack of wrapped presents, all in all it was a lovely day. Hubs and I are saving our celebrating until we get to Melbourne. Then, look out!

A day in the life

I didn’t plan to do this, but today I found myself whipping out my camera (read: phone) to take photos of nothing in particular and it turned into a bit of a day in the life of a (somewhat bored) stay at home mum. Enjoy!

Hard to see here but I was trying to get a photo of what Quinn dressed herself in this morning – fairy dress from Aunty Heather, brown shorts and black boots.


Then off to the Sunday markets for some fresh fruit and veges. Chance has decided lately that he is camera shy. Unlike Darby.


After that it was back home and while Darby napped, we cracked on with a bit of Lego Technic.


Things went a bit pear shaped when Darby woke up and C & Q were acting up a bit. I retreated to my bed with my baby for some cuddles and chuckles and also had a bit of a pity cry. Then it was selfie time.


See the puffy eyes? And of course Chanbe & Quinndy wanted in on the action.


I may have allowed myself a small smirk at this point and tried to turn it around. Next up was lunch and more playing, after which Darby went down for his big sleep (lucky thing) and the kids wanted to do some painting. Why not, I thought!



Then Chance all of a sudden remembered that we still had to build a model aeroplane which he gets to do whenever he sleeps in his big boy bed all night long. Let me clarify – I get to make it and he gets to play with it. The instructions assume a lot more talent than I possess but I  must say I’m getting better with each one! This was today’s creation:


Impressed? He was too. It was then time to clean up the Duplo that was scattered everywhere but we ended up just playing with it for an hour. And I decorated the kids toy boxes with the day’s artwork. From this:


To this!


In the mean time, you could find Quinn walking around with her brown shorts and no top on, (“just like Dadda”) messy hair, talking on “her” phone making big business deals.


And Darby was just, you know, TAKING HIS FIRST STEPS!!!!! I did get a video of it but it goes for 2 minutes and it’s not actually that good but it was SO EXCITING! He did it for Hubs as soon as he got home from work which was lovely too.

And this is pretty much what things look like around here once Hubs gets home:


And after they have had their fill of mango, they are clearly not interested in the lovely dinner I have prepared for yet another evening and I am left wondering “why do I bother???” But then I remind myself that they filled up on mangoes and not chocolate so I get over it.


And then it may be time for stories.


The best part of the day? Has to be what’s waiting for me once the kids are in bed, asleep:


No not that! It’s this! Our neighbour makes the most amazing cheesecakes and he dropped off some leftovers.


Oooh yeah. So incredible and so needed after another “normal” day for me. I’m in a bit of a new year funk at the moment that I’m trying to shift out of. Hoping I get around to doing a few big things on my list this week. I hope you enjoyed your day 🙂


10 things on the 10th

10 things I would love for my birthday:

  1. A sleep in
  2. To not have to cook all day
  3. Brunch or lunch at a cafe with my beautiful family
  4. A pedicure
  5. A yoga mat
  6. A watch or a fit bit
  7. Seafood for dinner
  8. A nice glass or two of bubbly
  9. Something chocolatey to finish off the day
  10. To watch the movie Boyhood

I should make sure Hubs reads this post. Good news is, he has the day off so most of these things are possible!

Can somebody give me an ommm?

I am getting back into yoga this year to benefit my head and my heart and I had my first beginner’s class on Tuesday night. I promised my sister in law I would go twice a week for a month to give it a really good go. I went to a restorative session tonight accidentally, thinking it was the “all levels” class. This entailed maybe 10 poses/stretches all being held for 3-5 minutes each.

A few years ago I would have been bored and annoyed that I was wasting my time and money when I could “easily do this at home for free”. (Ha!) But tonight, I embraced the peace. I’m finally starting to get it; to function at my best and wear all of my hats every day, I need to invest in me. And that doesn’t always have to mean doing something. Tonight I was still and reflective and appreciative of the calm around me.

It’s funny because, as per my blog post earlier today, I have had a lot of energy after my big sleep overnight. I got heaps done and I spent a lot of time just playing with the kids. Chance played with his (Dadda’s) Lego for around three hours today. Three! My point is, I wasn’t frazzled or stressed going into the class and I still feel like I got so much out of it.

The other thing is, I categorically know that there’s no way I would EVER put aside an hour for myself to mediate and stretch, nor would my darling children be able to leave me alone for that long. God love them.

So I’m feeling extremely indulgent at the moment, what with my two fit mum’s classes a week and now two yoga classes. Hubs assures me that he’s happy to support my outrageous lifestyle. I might hay have to cut back my latte-sipping a bit!