“Oh I could never do that”

I’ve had this phrase muttered to me on more than one occasion in my adult life.

Like when I tell people we have moved 8 times in 7 years.

Or when I tell people we have three children and no family around.

And more recently, when I joined an indoor netball team with a bunch of other mums (we’re called “Mad Mamas”) whom I had never met before. I literally showed up one Monday night, and looked out for a group of ladies wearing black shirts and black pants. And two months later, I find myself at high tea with a few of them.

Life is funny like that.

And most recently, when I befriended a kiwi doctor’s wife who would only be here a couple of weeks and we’ve hung out almost every day with her and her 2 kids since. And I’m really bummed that she’s leaving on Wednesday because we absolutely just clicked. And it was no drama for us to invite them to a dinner party last night with 9 adults and 8 kids. One of my friends nearly had a heart attack when I told her how many people were coming. Yeah it took some preparation, but we had the best afternoon/evening!

Hubs and I really instill in our kids to at lease try things. This goes for food, activities… anything! And Chanbe gets so proud of himself when he says to us “I tried it Mama and I liked it!”

2 weeks ago, I tried playing GA in netball instead of GS. GA requires a lot more running, and I thought to myself “I’m too unfit for this position” but I gave it a go, and it turns out 4 months of exercising is starting to pay off!

So go on. What could you just try this week? Give something a go that you are convinced you couldn’t do and feel free to let me know how you go!

Dear Anonymous

Almost 18 months ago, someone posted a comment on this post that I wrote. Scroll down and have a read.

A few days ago, I referred to that post in this post that I wrote.

I was in fact talking about how I am an extrovert and what that actually means. I read over the comment, and my response to it, and realised that this is a post that I have been meaning to write for a long, long time.

Go and read the comment and my response. I’ll wait for you.

Done? Okay. So the thing is, Anonymous was right. I was absolutely, categorically suffering from depression. I don’t know if I just didn’t want to admit it, or I just wasn’t ready to, but a month later, I told Hubs that I think I needed help. Hubs agreed. He had noticed certain things that suggested to him that his Wifey was not quite feeling herself. And when it all came to a head one night, actually the night of this wedding, he said something to me that I’ve never forgotten:

You’re allowed. Just because you’re depressed, it doesn’t mean you don’t like your life.”

If you know someone who has suffered from depression, or if you yourself have, then you know this to be true. I was loving my family life – my two beautiful children, baby #3 on the way, a wonderful, supportive husband, an amazing family etc etc etc. I was struggling with life in Mount Isa, but if you had asked me at any time of the day “do you like your life?” the answer would most likely have been a yes.

So why am I writing this post now? Well I got help. I went to my doctor and we both agreed that anti-depressants, as well as some counselling, would help in my circumstances. The first day I started the meds, I thought I’d made a huge mistake. The side effects were absolutely awful – dry mouth, nausea, racing heart; but after making sure everything was okay, I kept going. The first week was rough, but by the end of the second week, my body had adjusted. And a month later, I started feeling like myself again. My head was more clear, and joyful moments were more forthcoming.

It’s been a year and 2 months since I started medication. When we moved to Rocky, I wanted to come off them, but the doctor I saw here advised against it. I had just moved towns, just bought a house, just had a baby, Hubs had just started a new job. He said we should revisit it in six months.

Well, now it’s been six months, and I’m going to go and talk to him next week. I know the meds have helped me incredibly, and I’m a bit nervous about coming off them. What if I can’t “cope”? What if I backslide and don’t realise it?

There are so many “what ifs” about the situation, but I can tell you one thing; I’m in a much better place than I have been for a while. And it’s nice. So thank you, Anonymous, for bringing this to my attention. Even though it took me a little longer to realise what was going on, your observations and concern are very much appreciated.

I shall certainly let you know how I go.

A leisurely lady-like high tea

It’s fun playing ladies for an afternoon. No kids; getting frocked up, and sharing delicious food and drink with a bunch of gals. Six months ago, I didn’t know any of these ladies. Two months ago I only knew three of them, and now, thanks to joining an indoor netball team through a new friend, I know them all. So when I was invited to a high tea fund raiser with them, how could I say no?

Here’s the frock of choice for the afternoon:


It’s nice to be able to wear a dress that a) I haven’t fit into for over three years (woot!) b) doesn’t need to be “breastfeeding friendly” and c) that I can accessorize with dangly earrings instead of boobie beads.

Here is the setting:


There were close to 200 tickets sold to the event this year, and they really put on a great afternoon. And here are the ladies who made it extra fun for me:


What a good looking table we were. Lots of laughs and fun stories were shared, as well as a few glasses of bubbly. It really energised me to be honest. If you know me, or if you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll know that I’m very much an extrovert, and really need these social outings to keep me going. It makes me a better mum, a better Wifey and just a happier gal all-round.

And if you’re new here to the blog, welcome! I’ve had a few people recently tell me that they’ve just started reading which is always exciting. Stick around and enjoy the show! 🙂

On arriving home after the high tea, it was back to life as I know it. There was washing to be hung, kids and adults to be fed, dishwashers that, no matter how hard I wish, won’t unload and then re-pack themselves. I flitted about these activities with a sense of calm. Yes, it was back to it, but just with a slight spring in my step.

Oh, and because I spent the afternoon eating, I skipped dinner and went straight for the wine. And instead of doing the mountain of cleaning up in the kitchen first, I decided to say hello to you all.

Because sometimes the dishes can wait.

This is how they get you

Smell their head, they say.

You look at them strangely. Why on earth would you want to smell a baby’s head? That’s just weird. All you wanted to do was cuddle their baby, not smell their head.

But they insist, and so you humour them. You take a reluctant sniff. Something catches you, and you have to go back for more. You take a deep breath and you are overcome with a feeling. It’s like nothing you’ve ever smelt before. Like nothing on earth; it’s heavenly. And you are immediately convinced that this is actually what heaven smells like.

A baby’s head.

Before you become a parent, other mums and dad’s don’t entice you to join their ranks by telling you about four-year-old defiance or two-year-old tantrums, or even 8-month-old fevers and accompanying clinginess, no matter how endearing it is. No. They lure you in with that damn irresistible smell. That smell of rainbows and unicorns and butterflies and heaven.

So at the end of a long afternoon, an evening of battles, tears and tantrums; yours and theirs; and 2 generous glasses of wine, all us parents can do, is remember that smell. Someone seriously needs to work out a way to bottle that stuff.

It’s heavenly.

Some days

Some days I write a blog post and when I go to save it, it vanishes. So let’s try this again…

Some days I just want to sit on the sun and drink coffee with Hubs.


Some days I just want to hold this little guy close to my chest and never let go.


Some days I wish for endless energy to keep up with these two.


Some days, this is all I do, all day long. At least that’s how it feels.


Some days I want to just hide away from the world and all the things that come with being an adult and parent; the cooking, the cleaning, the shopping, the washing, the endless filling out of the forms, the constant responsibility…

Some days I miss my family and friends so much it hurts. Some days I just need someone familiar around.

Some days are just awesome. I like those days the best 🙂

Why am I sticky?

This was a question card that was drawn in a game of Cards Against Humanity on our family trip to Sorrento in March. The round was won by my father-in-law with an hilarious answer that’s a bit too rude to share on my little blog. I wasn’t actually in the room for that round – I was downstairs tending to the kids, but the raucous laughter that echoed down the stairs ensured that I enquired as to the source when I returned to the land of the adults.

Today I found myself muttering that question as I sat down at the table. “Why am I sticky???” And I find myself asking that question more than once a week. The answer is usually either jam or tomato sauce. But can also be any number of things. I just always hope that it is food and not something that has been dragged in on the bottom of a gumboot. Ugh. Or worse…

Anyway, today it was strawberry jam. And tomorrow? Only time will tell…

Update: yoghurt! That’s the other regular culprit…

The Rocky Swap

Oh man talk about garage sale heaven. Our family of five spent the morning at the Rocky Swap yesterday. To be honest it was all a bit overwhelming – almost 1100 stalls, expected crowds of over 10,000 people, and a 4-year-old wishing to seek out the perfect toy.


We got plenty of comments on our awesome pram which is always fun 🙂 and Darby enjoyed lots of cuddles with Hubs in the baby carrier.


I may have accidentally dressed myself and Quinn in matchy-matchies. Hee hee!

Who wore it better? (Actually don’t answer that…)


I was actually pretty happy with our selection of goodies. We were very selective and thoughtful about our purchases, and bought some storage solutions for our Lego collection. As well as more Lego…

There were some pretty cool things there,as well as a whole bunch of crap. But you know, one person’s trash and all of that.

So that just happened

I’m on facebook.

Oh man that hurts just a little bit. I joined to promote my marriage celebrant services, and I’m still trying to figure out what the heck I am doing. I know that It’s been so long since I’ve spent longer than 10 minutes in front of a computer, and I’m so behind on all the social media stuff, and I just need to get over myself and jump right in. And maybe get my teenage nieces to show me how to use it…

I really need a new profile photo for my business. That means Hubs and I need an hour or two together, as he’s not the point-and-shoot kind of guy. The last photo he took of me for my business cards was great.

Renae Foottit fb

5 years, 6 moves and 3 kids later, let’s see what magic he can weave to get this mug looking a bit more respectable 🙂

20150625_135144-COLLAGE (1)

So if you’re new here, and want to know why I previously haven’t been facebooking, you can search the word “facebook” on my blog. I don’t need to go into here again. I’m hoping times have changed a little; I’m hoping I don’t encounter the privacy issues I had previously; and I’m hoping I can just have a business page and not a personal one 🙂

I’ve just spent most of the last two hours (and two coffees) stumbling around the site. I hope this isn’t a taste of things to come!