If you want something done…

…ask a busy person to do it.

Too true, too true. I often describe parenthood as a state of being constantly busy, but in a completely different way than I was before.

Pre-marriage and pre-kids, I was always busy. A week night to myself was pretty rare, and a weekend without plans was unheard of. When we moved to Melbourne, there was a void in my life that I struggled to fill; I had so much time to myself that I had to learn to enjoy my own company a bit more.

And now that we have children, I don’t stop very often for very long during my days, except for my 11am coffee of course, but some days I don’t feel like I’ve gotten anything done. When in actual fact I’ve fed and nourished 3 children with 3 main meals and endless snacks, I’ve sent a husband off to work with a full tummy, a coffee and a delicious lunch, most likely done some washing and cleaning and tidying up, have taken the kids out somewhere, maybe done some shopping… well you get the idea.

Some days feel incredibly unproductive; I feel like I’ve just been chasing my tail around all day, ignoring the kids and hoping they can entertain themselves, yet not actually getting anything useful done. And then there’s days like last Wednesday and today where I’ve been on the go all day and can sit down now with my cup of tea and feel like I’ve accomplished something.

So here’s cheers to Wednesdays. They seem to be the day that sh*t gets down around here!


And now for some more Falling Skies 🙂

It’s different this time around

There has been a lot of interrupted sleep happening around here in the last couple of weeks. (Ha ha. In the last 4.5 years…) Darby-doo has had croup for the last 3 nights, and the kids have been coughing up a storm, usually in our bed. So when Darby awoke at 5:30am yesterday, barking away, and the kids were sneezing and spluttering, I accepted the fact that I really shouldn’t take them to the gym, which would mean I’d have to skip my mummy-fit session.

And I was really disappointed. I have never, and I mean ever been disappointed about missing an exercise session. I’m sorry, but it’s true. There’s always been a part of me at the back of my mind that hopes there’s a reason for me to skip a session, but not yesterday.

That’s how I know it’s different this time around. Exercise is just now a part of my life. I have found something that I love doing; that is affordable; that I look forward to; that I can share with other women; that my kids can be involved in; that is just around the corner; and the list goes on.

So when Hubs told me that he could start work late and look after the kids for me so I could still go, I didn’t hesitate for a second. Sure, I was exhausted, and it was a pretty brutal session (for me anyway!) but there’s no way I was going to miss it if I didn’t absolutely have to. I’m so fortunate to have found this class, and with a 4-week challenge coming up, there’s even more incentive!

Did you know?

Did you know that in the last 2 weeks, I’ve written a blog post almost every day? No? Well that’s because those posts haven’t made it from my head to my keyboard in that time. But I tell you what, there have been some crackers in there! For instance, I finally told you guys all about Darby-doo’s baptism; I shared some baking that I’ve been doing; and I shared with you that we are completely hooked on the TV series Falling Skies. I’m totally crushing on Dr John Carter (fine. Noah Wyle) right now. Can you blame me? (Holy moly look at that baby face!!??? Has it really be that long since ER was on TV??)

Did you know I had a big cleaning frenzy on Wednesday and have vowed to keep the place in a respectable fashion from now on, and so far I have!? Our dining area went from this:

dining before

to this:

Dining after

and the kids toyroom went from this:

toyroom before

to this:

toyroom after

I completed my to do list that day and feel great for it. I’ve also been putting in more effort day-to-day to keep it in a nice state so that each morning we’re not waking up to a mess. I think it’s helping with our morning routine as well.

Did you know that I like my bananas to be really ripe? Like really ripe. Like this:


Did you know that I don’t actually know how to turn on our new laptop/tablet? I just press all the buttons on all the sides until something happens.

Did you know that Darby has started pulling himself up to a standing position? He’s not even 8 months old yet, nor is he crawling – just scooting around on his tummy commando-style.

darby standing

Did you know that he smiles whenever I pull my phone out to take a photo? As per above.

Did you know that I’m a Marriage Celebrant? I did my professional development last weekend and it was so great to meet other celebrants in the area and it got me all geared up again to DO MORE WEDDINGS! Know anyone who needs a celebrant? 😉

Did you know, that for the first time in my life I’m actually losing weight and it’s not as hard as any other time I’ve tried? I’ve just finally (FINALLY!!!!) found my sweet spot. I’m still enjoying life, but I’m just not feeling the need to shove crap in my cake-hole every single day. I haven’t felt this good in a looooong time, nor have I ever believed that a) I can reach a healthy weight and b) that I can keep this up long-term. I’ll update you as I go!

Did you know I’ve been meaning to share an hilarious youtube video of the kids singing Let it go. Which I will do…. now! Enjoy Quinny’s finale 🙂

Did you know that Darby-doo is now big enough to sit in the trolley seat? So this is my view when I’m feeling daring enough to take the three of them for a (very) quick shop:

kids in trolley

Did you know that I’ve been blogging for 7 years now and I still love it!? Like, seriously love it. I should do it more often 😉

Cream and sugar

I could hear scratching coming from the next room; rummaging, fossicking, and then silence.

I had two choices. Do I go and investigate, or do I drink my hot cup of coffee and enjoy my cuddles on the couch with Chanbe for just a few more minutes.

I knew it might be to my detriment, but I opted to stay in the couch on this cold and windy day. I take my 11am coffee very seriously and it would take a lot to get in the way of it.

I then went to take a look, and this is the sight that greeted me:


She was supposed to be having her daytime sleep.


But, obviously, smearing zinc cream all over her arms and legs seemed like a much better use of her time.

I have started planning some baby-proofing measures for Darby, but it seems I need to Quinn-proof a few of my drawers first.


My snotty little hottie

The booger monster has been living in our house for a week now, with Darby being the latest victim. He hasn’t wanted to sleep lying down the last two nights so I’ve been sleeping with him on the couch.

Aaw that face 🙁


And he cries whenever I try and put him down so there’s been a lot of this going on:


Poor little chicken. I’m getting lots of cuddles and no housework done. Not a bad way to spend my Saturday!

It’s complicated

I’ve had a few challenging days with Chanbe lately. After one such morning recently, I sat him down while Quindy was asleep, to see if I could try and get to the bottom of some of these behaviours. There’s lots of ignoring me going on, and he particularly loves having Quindy follow him in his naughtiness.

I broached the subject about his poor behaviour that morning, and that’s when he took over. He said to me that he seems to make bad choices when Quinny is around.

I was a bit shocked at how he used those words, and secretly impressed that he was aware of it without me spelling it out to him. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I asked him why he thinks he makes bad choices when Quindy’s around.

And he turned to me, cocked his head, lifted his right hand in an “I don’t know” gesture, and spoke out of the side of his mouth like so

Its complicated

and said

It’s complicated.”

It was too much. I softened and enveloped him in a big cuddle. I asked him if we could talk about why it might be complicated, but he informed me that

We’ve finished talking about that now Mama.

I’ve really been focusing on spending quality time with him in the last few days. Hubs hasn’t been around much due to work, and I think our little Chanbe is noticing. He is often asking Hubs if he can stay home instead of going to work. So today we played Lego instead of him watching a movie which he normally does when the other 2 are having their midday sleep. It meant I didn’t get my usual “me time” but with he and Q at kindy for the next 2 days, there will be plenty of time for me to veg out.

It’s complicated. Sheesh. It sure is, buddy.

The pork belly agrees

I cannot tell you how much I laughed when, after an hour of roasting this tasty little mushroom and haloumi stuffed pork belly, it came out looking like this:


Even the pork belly has had a sh*t. Day.

I laughed and laughed. I’m not going to lie. My jovial mood can be slightly attributed to my sampling of the craft wine. (Kind of like craft beer but more crafty) And the fact that all 3 children are sound asleep in bed and it’s Friday night and Hubs is home and it’s raining and we get to watch a movie and eat yummy food and drink yummy craft wine and snuggle up together on the couch.

So all in all a good end to a sh*t day.

Except that I just remembered I have a clothesline full of half dry washing.


Now I have a clothesline full of wet washing. Meh. Whaddayagunnado?

When life gives you boxes of wine and toilet paper

You make rockets.


Today has been a day where parenting, ah hell, where adulting has been a bit of a struggle. I thought it would be fun to make banana bread with the kids this morning, but between their naughtiness and my wafer-thin patience, there wasn’t much fun being had.

And then as we do every Friday at 9am, we went to the gym. The kids are normally pretty well behaved during my class but not today. They were absolutely feral. At one stage I almost started crying and wanted to leave but I took a breath and kept going and kept trying to be patient with them. Things didn’t get much better at home but I decided I had had enough yelling and disobedience for one day so I started making rockets out of the bottle dividers from a recent box (fine. 2 boxes) of wine we’d ordered and some toilet paper rolls.

The kids are happy now and so am I. And once the kids are in bed (only 6 hours to go!) I will be sampling said wines.

Of course I only buy the boxes of wine to make craft with the kids. The fact that they come with bottles of wine is just an added bonus I suppose…

10 things

1. We only have 3 episodes of Nurse Jackie left to watch. Ever.

2. I may have developed an intolerance to raw spinach. I seem to feel nauseated within an hour of eating it. Further evidence needed but not very willing to prove my theory.

3. I’m also completely sick of kale. Way too much roughage in my green smoothies.

4. It took me 3 hours to tidy and clean our house on Saturday afternoon and I’ve been feeling amazing ever since.

5. By 4am most mornings, there at no fewer than 4 family members sharing our king size bed.

6. Our nieces arrive on Wednesday to stay with us for a week and we are incredibly excited. So much fun is about to be had.

7. I’ve been attending an exercise class that you can bring your kids to called mummy fit, twice a week for the last few months and I love it.

8. I have very cute kids. Video to come.

9. I have an awesome husband. No video.

10. I’ve been writing this post one-handed on my phone while I give Darby his dream feed.

The end.

Happy Birthday Hubs

It was Hubs’ birthday on Tuesday, and after a weekend with his BFF Ben, we had a fairly low-key day. Hubs had to work but he got home at a reasonable time and was met with the smells of his favourite meal; lamb shanks. And so easy for me as well. Win win!

Before that though, I cooked him a yummy breakfast and we did some presents before he went to work.

Hubs bday 1'

This was the closest I could get to everyone looking at the camera 🙂 I made a fresh loaf of bread and dropped it off for morning tea, and when Hubs came out to pick it up, he informed me that there was a ridiculous amount of food that people had brought in. 3 different people had made him birthday cakes (which got me off the hook!) as well as brownies, cookies, and other delights. I thought it was so lovely that they made a bit of a fuss for him – he really felt the love!

Chanbe asked him over dinner “how old are you turning Dadda?” which we were very impressed by! Hubs, of course replied “I’m turning 21!” After pondering this for a minute, Chanbe proceeded to say “so on your next birthday you’ll be turning 22. Then 23 after that.” It was completely adorable and very insightful for the little guy!

I was going to bake him a cake, but after I found out how many he already had, I opted for his favourite chocolate mousse. He brought some cake home and we recycled it to sing happy birthday and for him (the kids) (Chance) to blow out the candles.

Hubs bday 2'

Happy birthday honey. You’re still my favourite 🙂