Wifey’s World Cup

There aren’t many things that will get me up at 4am. The World Cup Finals is one of the exceptions. 4 years ago, I was living with friends, one of whom was soccer mad. So much so that he dragged his mattress out into the loungeroom for the month of matches, and tried to watch every single one, regardless of who was playing, all the while holding down a (high-responsibility) full-time job.

I’m not as crazy about soccer. In fact, I don’t really like watch the Premier League or whatever they have in Europe/England. That kind of soccer annoys me. All the theatrics get old very quickly. And even though that still goes on in the World Cup finals, 4 years ago I was impressed that Australia weren’t buying into that crap.

Last night, I was disappointed that this had changed somewhat. The theatrics I saw from both Germany (my favourite was the guy who grabbed at his leg with a non-existent injury before he even hit the ground!!) and Australia last night was terribly frustrating. That’s not what I got up at 4am to watch. Nor was the thrashing that Germany dealt us. I’m not being a sore loser – all credit to Germany. Apart from the first 7 minutes where we seemed to come out kicking (so to speak) they outplayed and outclassed us in every way. They were amazing, and the skill was impressive to watch. We can all admit to that and congratulate our German friends. (Well done boys).

Where was I going with this? I think I just wanted to vent a bit. I don’t like watching Aussie football players, whom I’m used to being tough and no-nonsense players (I’ve been watching Rugby League, Union and AFL too much, clearly) taking dives and crying foul to the referee, when clearly in the replay, there was nothing to it. Why is soccer like this?? It really spoils the game for me and frustrates me no end.

On a brighter note, I also watched the opening match of the World Cup finals on Friday night between South Africa and Mexico. So many people around college had been saying how Mexico were going to win, and convincingly, and I thought “well it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s a good match.” And boy was it ever! And the best thing about it? That South Africa scored the opening goal for the whole World Cup. That was awesome. I think, unless you were born in Mexico, you were barracking for South Africa – I know I was! And not just because half of Hubs’ family are from there! Mexico equalised with a good goal, but not before the SA goal keeper had saved some absolute crackers. It really was an entertaining game, without too much theatrics, and with a near-goal to South Africa in the dying minutes that would have won them the game, and that so many people wish had gone in. They have already done their country proud.

I hope to feel that same pride – that my team has played a good, fair, competitive game, win, lose or draw, – when the Socceroos take on Ghana at midnight this Saturday. I’m proud that the Socceroos have done so well to get in to the finals, I just want them to show the world the skill and class that I know they have, and not have to play the silly sissy games that other teams feel the need to play.

This has been Wifey’s World Cup. I look forward to joining you again next week.

The value of money

Why is it that I’ll happily spend $7 on a pint of beer that gives me less than an hour’s pleasure (and then a bloated feeling), yet I get cranky that my favourite BONDS undies have gone up from $5 per pair to $7 per pair in the last 2 years? Surely a $7 pair of undies is going to give me more pleasure (and use) than a pint of Carlton Draft??

This battle in my head happens quite frequently, especially when it comes to food/drinks vs anything else. Do I spend $7 on a Hungry Jacks meal or $7 on a second-hand top I’ll get a few years wear out of? What about a night out on the town? Back in my young, foolish, carefree, well-paying-job days, I wouldn’t be too concerned about spending $100 on a night out including dinner and drinks. Although, back in those days, I also wouldn’t think twice about spending $100 on a new pair of shoes.

I suppose my view and value of money has changed in the last couple of years. Hubs and I have been living off only my wage (with monthly bonuses from Hubs’ tutoring), putting all of our money aside for overseas holidays, and now a house, so I’m much more aware of where all of our money goes. And this isn’t a bad thing – it’s good to know that we can budget and prioritise. But we do miss being able to go out to dinner with friends and at the end, saying “this one’s on us.” Or going to a restaurant and picking a favourite meal instead of the most economical, or going to Woollies and not having to buy home-brand cheese. Gosh my life is hard 🙂

Flight “extras”

Since WHEN has a “seat” not been included in the cost of your flight? I have booked with both Jetstar and Tiger Air in the last month and the flight cost has been quoted to me, then I get to the “choose your seat” screen and I have to PAY for it!! Are you for REAL?? What the heck am I getting for the cost of the fare?? Can I choose NOT to sit down? Cos for $7 per person, EACH WAY, I’d be happy to stand for an hour or 2. (Okay, not really, but I needed to make my point.) I’m okay with paying for food and drinks on flights, I’m okay with paying to check in your bags, and I’m even (almost) okay with having to pay an extra $5 for extra leg room. But I draw the line at having to pay extra for any old seat.

I think this is even more dodgy than not including taxes in the fare, which, I might add, was changed a number of years ago due to legislation.

Oh, and get this, I also got slapped with a $10.91 “convenience fee”. Excuse me?? I did all the freakin’ work. I cannot BELIEVE they just charged me $10.91 to do everything myself!!!

So my “cheap fares” of $153.14 for Hubs and I to fly from Brisbane to Melbourne, has turned into the grand total of:

which includes:
Lowest Fare           $153.14  (wow! that IS low!)
2 Base Seat fees     $14.00    (wha?…. Do I get to take the seat home with me??)
1 Convenience fee  $10.91    (convenient for whom??)
Taxes                     $63.95    (after everything else, that’s just a kick in the pants)
Can you tell by all the ??? and !!! that I’m NOT HAPPY????!!!!!

Dragging the chain

I know I know I know! I haven’t blogged about much interesting lately, but we are having technical difficulties at home, uploading (downloading? crossloading???) our photos from the last 2 months (all 3500 of them! Don’t worry, I’ll be selective) so because I haven’t been able to use them, I’ve been a bit lazy. I can’t believe we’ve only been back in Melbourne for 8 days. It’s like we never left. Last week went by very slowly, but we just had a really great weekend. The weather was really great so we simply had to get out amongst it.

Hubs starts back at uni in 1 week, and is busy with his PhD at the moment, so we really have gotten straight back into it. But we have enough time to watch an episode (or 2 or 3) of Boston Legal each night. Even though the second season isn’t nearly as good as the first, I haven’t given up on it yet, and it seems to be improving as the episodes go on.

Anyway, that’s enough drivel. I PROMISE to resume my usual witty interesting posts in the next few days…

The heat is on

No, I’m not referring to Glenn Frey’s awesome hit from the 80s, I’m referring to summer in Brisbane. You see, living in Melbourne, I forget what summer is like up here. When in Melbourne, I am in regular contact with a good friend of mine and she often tells me “it’s hot” and I think “it can’t be THAT bad”. And then I come to visit and remember. It so totally completely IS that bad. And this is why:

– I am a naturally sweaty person. Need I say more? 
– a cold shower still means warm water
– it’s too hot to sleep
– I sweat a lot
– parking in the shade is more important than anything else. Anything.
– I can’t wear make up (not such a bad thing)
– did I mention the sweat??

I love Brisbane. I really do. But I gotta say, I don’t miss the summers up here. I’m just going to go and stand in front of the fan for a while now…

3 hours to go!

We’re due to leave on our road trip in about 3 hours time and we’re almost packed. Sort of. Mostly. Oh well! It’ll happen! I’ll be trying to blog a bit while on holidays, but I haven’t prepared or scheduled any posts for while we’re away, but I’ll have plenty to talk about when we get back.

I hope you all have a really wonderful Christmas and thanks for reading!

See you in 2010!

The ridiculousness of Melbourne weather

Friday the 4th of December it was cool
Sunday the 6th my back got sunburnt from sitting out on our patio for a few hours, cutting Hubs’ hair (calm down, it was just a trim)
Tuesday the 8th it was freezing again so I had to wear layers (and on sunburnt skin, this is NOT COOL)
Sat/Sun the 12th/13th was cold then hot then cold again
Yesterday (14th) was freeeeeeezing!
Today it’s getting up to 30
and Tomorrow it will APPARENTLY be 39.

Stupid. Melbourne. Weather.

It’s not you, it’s me.

“Often the things that annoy you in others, are things you see in yourself.”

I have NO idea where I first read that, but I totally related to it then, and I have ever since.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. For some reason, my patience has been a bit light-on for a while now, and I’ve been finding myself getting annoyed at things that wouldn’t normally annoy me, and then getting annoyed at myself, for being annoyed. And that is really annoying!!

To try and combat this, I’ve been trying to work out exactly what is annoying me in a situation, and reasoning with myself: Is this worth getting frustrated over? Is the issue, in fact, my own? Am I getting annoyed at this person, or the behaviour? Would I act the same way if I were in their shoes?

This line of reasoning sometimes helps (if, in fact, I remember to do it and not just get carried away with my feelings and thoughts and get upset and annoyed and frustrated and…. where was I?…) and I feel I am reconnecting with my patient self. Then today I stumbled across this quote:

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” (Carl Jung)

And I like this idea a LOT more. It takes away the feeling of frustration, at both the person for being annoying, and at myself for feeling like I have the same character trait that is annoying me in the first place. Instead, it gives me the suggestion to get to know myself better, and to understand who Wifey really is. And she’s not such a bad gal.

I told you! This journey of self-discovery is going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnnng one.

Spoiler alert!

NOTE: If you haven’t watched the movie SERENITY, and you don’t want to know the ending, this post isn’t for you.

As previously mentioned, Hubs and I have been watching Firefly and we finished the last episode on Tuesday night. It was a bit darker than previous episodes, and not one of my favourites, but it got me excited about watching the movie Serenity. We were going to have a movie night Friday night, but last night rolled around and it was lovely and warm and we had nothing planned so we decided to watch it then. Serenity is considered as somewhat of a sequel to the TV series and it had all the same characters that we had grown to love, so I was super excited.

The movie was also pretty dark and a bit scary (I had to close my eyes at times) but it was a pretty cool story line and was fun to watch. Actually, it was just like watching a double episode of Firefly! It was all going along nicely – I was nervous and the suspense was great! And then it happened. Wash got harpooned by Reavers and they left him on the ship cos “he was dead”. And I was like “naaaaaaaaah. There’s no WAY they would kill off Wash after they’d already killed off Shepherd and Mr Universe. No WAY.”

Yes way. I was gutted. Devastated. I cried. Like, SERIOUSLY cried. Why would they do that? If there are any fans out there (I know there are), TELL ME WHY THEY WOULD DO THAT!!!!!????? Hasn’t Zoe been through enough in her life??? Even if they DID think it was a good idea to kill him off, they needed to get Zoe to completely lose her nut. They needed her to break down and cry and not be able to focus cos she’s just lost the love of her life. Instead, she continues in her usual no-nonsense manner and kicks some Reavers butt.

I was not happy. I’m STILL not happy about it.

I need answers people!!


No, I’m not telling him to chill out. I’m talking about chilblains. (I looked up the Wiki article link, but it had a gross picture on it. Now, how many of you are going to look it up?…) I was talking to a friend down here a few months ago and she was telling us that she gets chilblains and she explained what they were. It’s where your extremities – usually fingers and toes – are sensitive to the cold and blood vessels get inflamed and cause numbness, itchiness and pain.  For the few weeks before that, I had a really sore toe (the one next to the big toe) and it was really sensitive to touch, and sure enough, that’s what it was. My doctor said that it could take up to 6 months to get better, but it might also get worse, and sure enough, the next toe down is sore now.


I thought it might get better after a month in the US summer, but they’ve gotten worse since being back home. Stupid cold Melbourne weather.

Now my toe can’t go to the market