Wanting to be Mary

I had a flashback the other day about being at pre-school as Christmas approached. We were, as usual, putting on a nativity play, and as the parts were being selected, I was hoping to be Mary. The angels got cast first (Billy Bob’s Mum was one of them) and I was selected, but I turned it down. I was hanging out for the big one. Once the angels were all selected, they went on to the animals and “extras”. They must have chosen Mary and Joseph next, and I was overlooked. I have no idea how disappointed I was about this, but I can tell you, I was even more disappointed to find out that the only parts left were the 3 wise men. So I got stuck with being a man. I remember this was a little upsetting, but Mum made me feel better somehow and I ended up having a blast. I can’t remember what gift I was carrying for Baby Jesus, but I like to think I held the gold…

P.S. I love you

I love a good P.S. That is, I USED to love a good P.S. but they seem to have become obsolete since email became the favoured form of correspondence. In my younger years, I had many pen-pals and I LOVED writing them letters with pretty paper and glittery pens and funky stickers, almost as much as I loved receiving letters from them. I used to have about 4 or 5 pen-pals all at once, but only a few went the distance. They were all people I had met through primary school or through friends and kept in touch with them by putting pen to paper. I had one in Japan, a couple in the US, one in Gladstone, one in Cairns, and one in PNG.

The girl from Papua New Guinea I met in year 4 and we were pen pals up until I was about 22. We lost contact after that, but on a visit to Australia earlier this year, she popped in to see if my parents were still living at the same address, which they were, and asked after me. Unfortunately I was already living in Melbourne and Dad didn’t think to get her number or email address (that’s okay Dad. That’s a “Mum” thing to do!) so I never did get to catch up with her. I still have all of her letters though, and unlike my crazy scrawl, I always marvelled at her perfectly neat writing that didn’t change from start to finish, nor from 9-year-old to 22-year-old.

I used to experiment with different writing styles too – at one stage I was dotting all my “i”s with circles, or giving “g”s and “y”s straight tails. I went through a big loopy letter-writing phase, but mostly you could tell it was my writing because I started off with neat and normal-sized words and finished with a big, uneven mess!

But that’s not what I’m here to talk about! While writing my letters to various pen pals all around Australia and all around the world, usually 3 or 4 pages long, I would start thinking about what to write in my P.S. Not that I HAD to include a P.S. but I always did love to.

A typical ending to a letter may have looked like this: (pretend it’s almost legible:)

P.S. I miss you! I really wish we could just hang out!
P.P.S. Say hi to your family for me!
P.P.P.S. My family says hi too!

After the 3 Ps it would just get silly. But don’t think for a second I didn’t get silly!! Ha ha.

I guess the main reason for writing a P.S. is that you want to include something that you had left out of the letter, and it would be too messy to try and write it in the body, so you add it at the end, hence the name Post Script. Now, call me crazy, but if you’re typing a business email, and you’d forgotten to put something in the email, wouldn’t you just go back and add it? Is there an etiquette for this? Am I missing something?

I think in personal emails, it’s nice to put a P.S. I miss you or P.S. I love you, but not such a great idea, in a business email, to put something like P.S. Please reply to this email to acknowledge receipt of information. Shouldn’t that be in the body?

I just think it’s weird.

P.S. I miss you!

Spoiler alert!

NOTE: If you haven’t watched the movie SERENITY, and you don’t want to know the ending, this post isn’t for you.

As previously mentioned, Hubs and I have been watching Firefly and we finished the last episode on Tuesday night. It was a bit darker than previous episodes, and not one of my favourites, but it got me excited about watching the movie Serenity. We were going to have a movie night Friday night, but last night rolled around and it was lovely and warm and we had nothing planned so we decided to watch it then. Serenity is considered as somewhat of a sequel to the TV series and it had all the same characters that we had grown to love, so I was super excited.

The movie was also pretty dark and a bit scary (I had to close my eyes at times) but it was a pretty cool story line and was fun to watch. Actually, it was just like watching a double episode of Firefly! It was all going along nicely – I was nervous and the suspense was great! And then it happened. Wash got harpooned by Reavers and they left him on the ship cos “he was dead”. And I was like “naaaaaaaaah. There’s no WAY they would kill off Wash after they’d already killed off Shepherd and Mr Universe. No WAY.”

Yes way. I was gutted. Devastated. I cried. Like, SERIOUSLY cried. Why would they do that? If there are any fans out there (I know there are), TELL ME WHY THEY WOULD DO THAT!!!!!????? Hasn’t Zoe been through enough in her life??? Even if they DID think it was a good idea to kill him off, they needed to get Zoe to completely lose her nut. They needed her to break down and cry and not be able to focus cos she’s just lost the love of her life. Instead, she continues in her usual no-nonsense manner and kicks some Reavers butt.

I was not happy. I’m STILL not happy about it.

I need answers people!!

Oh when the Saints….

Well it’s that time of year again. AFL Grand Final Weekend! Yee-haw! And what a season it has been for our team, St Kilda! We have only lost 2 games all season and we are up against Geelong (who have also had a cracking season) in the final tomorrow. Geelong are going in as favourites, but only just. And to be honest, I like being the underdog. But the Saints haven’t won a premiership since 1966 so it’s our turn!!

And just so you know, Hubs and I picked St Kilda as our team last year, so there was no jumping on any bandwagon for us! We are heading over to our friend’s place for a Grand Final Day BBQ, but the weather tomorrow doesn’t look so good (8-15 degrees with showers) so it might be an inside BBQ instead. Regardless, a great time will be had I’m sure.

And as an added bonus, the Broncos are playing the Storm (I hate those Melbourne players) tomorrow night as well so we’ll be watching that on the big screen somewhere too! Can’t wait!


Little Book of Calm

In the past, I have blogged about getting in touch with my nerdy side, but the problem is, most of the time I just fluke it when I get technical things right.

I was having a particularly non-nerdy time the other night when I was trying to watch Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith on our big screen and I couldn’t get it to work. To be honest, I didn’t try THAT hard, and I ended up just watching it on the laptop, when Hubs came home from his tutorial and wondered what on earth I was doing.

I explained (in an appropriately whiney voice) that I, once again, could not work the awesome technology that he had set up. He set it up for me, stating very nicely that I’d seen him do it a hundred times, to which I (whingely) replied “but I don’t have to pay attention when you’re around!!!!”

The next day, Hubs had a present for me:

Seriously? This is one of the most thoughtful, wonderful presents I’ve ever been given. And it’s not only step-by-step instructions, but it also has explanations about how things work and how to fix problems.

Hubs is a problem-solving kinda guy.
Problem: Wifey is getting upset that she can never remember or doesn’t know how to work gadgets and gizmos.
Solution: Write Wifey a guide to help her to learn new things and feel useful around technological things.

Hubs, you always know how to help me out. Even if it’s just listening to me whinge, you always know what to do and what’s best. I am in awe of you. x x x

(Oh! And I can’t WAIT for Part 2!)

Strangers in Paradise – a graphic novel

As you’ll see in an upcoming post about the San Diego ComicCon, Hubs is often encouraging me to read comic books, or moreso, graphic novels. (In fact, the Graphic Novel featured on that Wiki page was one that Hubs had me read, but it was actually a little too “graphic” for me!) So he borrowed out a copy of Strangers in Paradise from the library and I started reading it, and I gotta say, I really like it! Hubs read the forward for the book and it was about a staff member who said similar things to me like “I hate comic books, I don’t read them.” But she read the first SiP (as it’s commonly called… apparently) and after that she waited impatiently for every issue to come out. Hubs thought this might be the book that changes my attitude towards comics.

I can’t even remember which one I’m currently reading – I think it’s Volume 2. And I really want to read Volume 1 (hint hint Hubs??).

I’m finding though, that I get so engrosed in the dialogue that I sometimes forget to look at the pictures. The artwork is quite impressive, and the pictures do really add a great dimention to the story. I mean, even without the pictures I’d be pretty hooked, though, a little confused as to who was saying what!

I’ve always liked “comics” like Peanuts (my very very favourite) and Garfield (my bro’s fave) and really just the newspaper funnies on a Saturday and Sunday, but this is the first time I’ve ever read these graphic novels, and I gotta say – don’t knock it til you try it!

How long do you need it?

A conversation I had with Hubs last night:

Wifey: “Do you have a ruler I could borrow?”
Hubs: “How long do you need it?”
Wifey: “10 or 15 minutes?”
Hubs: (looking bemused) “No, what LENGTH do you need it?”
Wifey: (laughing very hard) “Oh! 15cm should do the trick.”

I laughed about that for the rest of the evening.

As promised

I will be starting my next NaBloPoMoHo (Ho stands for Holiday!) as of tomorrow so stay tuned! (If I can get these darn photos in order!! Eeeek!)

You will be taken on a Journey from coast (west) to coast (south) to coast (east), hearing stories of a red mustang, seemingly endless roads, stunning desert sunsets, a blurry week on a lake, giant mosquito bites, (on Hubs, not me!!), ginormous BBQ ribs, fabulous accents, a big park in the middle of a big city, and so much more.

Hope you enjoy the ride as much as we did! Yee-haw!

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend

I was just sitting here at work and I noticed that my engagement ring was a bit dirty so I gave her a bit of a clean and now she’s sparkling once again. I think Hubs did a brilliant job choosing my engagement rings.

The first one, with which he proposed, is a Puzzle Ring. For those of you who don’t know the story, Hubs took me aside while we were on Day Camp, where we had met 7 years prior, and gave me the ring, and after proposing, said “Life with me is going to be full of challenges.” He then took the puzzle ring apart and said “and here’s your first one.” It was a LOT of fun putting it back together again (after declining kind offers from the 12-year-olds in my group to “help”) and I wore it proudly. I was engaged to the most amazing man on earth and he had given me a beautiful ring that was gorgeous and nerdy. Just like him. What more could a gal ask for?

A few days later, he presented me with this:

A platinum, tension set diamond ring. It is stunning. It really blew me away then, and I still catch myself admiring it. A lot.

Again, it’s a bit nerdy, with the tension setting, and Hubs chose it because it was so different and because it is, I’m sure he would say, “teyodally awesome”.

And it is. I love it. Thanks honey x x