Breakfast in bed

I remember reading in a magazing years ago (in the Doctor’s waiting room – I wouldn’t waste my own money!) and I came across an article about the then happily married couple, Paul McCartney and Heather Mills. It stated that they shared breakfast in bed every morning, and vowed that it helped them to stay connected and have a great start to each day.

Although it didn’t work out so well for them, I loved the idea of breakfast in bed with Hubs every day, so it began. I’m not sure when exactly – maybe February last year? In any case, it’s been going on for over a year now. And it’s great. I get up a wee bit earlier, go and make us brekky (only cereal – toast is too crumby!) and a cup of tea for Hubs and glass of juice for me, and bring it back to bed. And sometimes Hubs does it for me too which is so nice. It’s just the best way to start our day. We can discuss our plans – what’s going on at work (usually not much), what Hubs’ uni timetable is looking like, whether he has any exams, and whether or not he can meet me for lunch at college that day.

It really is such a special “tradition” that I hope to continue for a long long time.


  1. I really like the idea but I know it would never work for us. We have wildly different body clocks. And I cherish the ‘me’ time I get in the mornings while Burf sleeps.

    I can hear him snoring right now 🙂

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