It was 2:30am. I awoke to the sound of the rain pelting down. It was an absolute downpour and an absolute pleasure to listen to. As I started drifting back to sleep, I was hit by a horrible, horrible thought. I’d left the windows down in the car.
Mount Isa is hot. Have I mentioned that? So if there is any possibility that I might be going out again later that day, I leave the car windows open. I had gone shopping around lunch time, and figured that an afternoon outing might be on the cards, hence leaving the windows down.
Absolute torrential rain kept coming down. My mind was swirling with images of the car filling up with water and NEVER drying out properly; of having that manky smell hang around for months afterwards; of the electric windows shorting out and not being able to wind down anymore. I woke Hubs up gently and shared my concern, asking if he thought it was worth going and winding them up. He suggested there wasn’t much to be done.
I was just so annoyed at myself.
Another 10 minutes or so passed, and the rain just didn’t let up. I kept thinking that I should go and try and wind them up, but wasn’t sure if there was any point at that stage.
And then it hit me! We had met Hubs for dinner at the hospital and I had wound the windows up when we got home! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
The relief that flooded through me right there and then was indescribable. I know this is sounding dramatic, but just remember that I was half asleep at the time, which makes everything bigger in your head.
I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but I was too hyped up from the excitement that I hadn’t just flooded our car. And of course, just as I was drifting off, Darby-J woke up for a feed. It turned out to be a bit of a restless night, but I didn’t care. The car was dry.
Oh, and it’s our last day in Mount Isa. This time tomorrow the kids and mum and I will be getting ready to head to the airport. We made it. We survived. We learned things along the way. We made some wonderful friends whom I’m sure we’ll stay in touch with.
We had survived the Isa. And I can’t wait to see what’s around the corner that is 2015.