My quiet sleeper

I really had no idea what a comfort a noisy sleeper could be. When Darby was born and was in the bassinet next to me I could hear him through the night, snuffling and grunting away. He would fidget and move around a lot and it was a constant reassurance that he was, in fact, okay.

My little Julius is the most quiet, still sleeper I believe I’ve ever had. You really have to look hard at him to see his tummy gently rising up and down, and he doesn’t make a sound.

Utterly angelic and sweet but hard on the new baby mum nerves. Yes I’m surprised as well, that even fourth time around I’m constantly checking if he’s still breathing. It’s what we do!!!

He really is such a delight. Sleeping a lot (thank you mild jaundice!) feeding well and settling well. So far… Who knows what’s around the corner. So for the time being I’m just enjoying it and soaking it all in.

Home again

Oh my heart. Having a baby is such a wildly emotional experience. The high and pain and doubt and excitement and fear and everything in between that you feel is utterly exhausting. Add to that sleep depravation, hormones, and healing wounds, and you get a mixed bag of crazy that is a new mum taking her baby home. Having done this three times already, I did prepare myself a bit better this time around, and even though I’m still feeling the huge surges of emotion, I’m so far not feeling overwhelmed by them.

The other thing I’m contending with is that I’ve lost my voice. Everyone in the house has had a horrible chesty cold over the last 2 weeks and it was my turn to come down with it on Tuesday. I think that, as well as sucking on the gas during labour, have contributed to me completely losing my voice this morning. And that in itself is exhausting! I’m down to a raspy whisper which makes the kids whisper as well which is hilarious.

I was really looking forward to coming home today and I’m definitely glad to be back in my own bed, in my own home with Hubs and the kids and mum. The kids are completely in love with Julius and constantly ask for cuddles which makes me burst.

I’m still not quite sure what life with four kids is going to look like but I’m excited by the possibilities.

Bring it on.

So many beautiful good times to come!

Small pleasures

Yep. Still here. Still in one piece. Wondering what I would have to say/do for maternity to induce me. Immediately. I really am done. Even with Darby I was all “yeah I’m okay. Let’s just wait and see.” I’ve waited. I’ve seen. I’m not going into labour on my own. Let’s just get on with this thing.

It’s not all bad though. I have found myself with another child-free morning thanks to Mum being here. Let me tell you I’ve been taking full advantage of any child free time I am gifted. Mainly by going out for a coffee. All by myself. And maybe adding a cake of some sort to the order as well.

It really is a special decadence that you don’t appreciate or understand until you’ve had kids and have tried to go out for a nice coffee as a family. Even when all the planets align and the kids behave themselves, it’s still a constant stream of interruptions which result in drinking cold coffee, wiping up spills, and at least one toilet run, if not five.

So here I am, coffee in hand, enjoying the slow pace of my morning, and trying to ignore the niggling sciatica pain and everything else this 40+6 pregnant body is throwing at me. Because I know that this too is only temporary and in literally a few days I’ll be holding my baby.

And that will be no small pleasure let me tell you.

Happy mothers day

Things my kids said to me today.

Darby: “Mama mama mama I got poo on my doodle.” He didn’t. I was relieved.

Quinn: “Do you know what my favourite smell is Mama? Farts. But only my farts.” Delightful.

And no new baby for mothers day for me. Though there’s still over 4 hours left of the day so you just never know. (Except I know. I do.)

Me and mine

Looking forward to garlic prawns and mussels on cous cous made by Dad. Yum!

10 things on the 10th

Due today!

Reflections on my fourth pregnancy; the good, the bad and the ugly.

1. Itchiness – if there was one thing I could have absolutely done without this pregnancy it would be the hormonal itch on my arms. It was just torture. Some evenings I’d be beside myself with that under-the-skin itchy feeling that had no relief. The last month it has really calmed down but for about 4 months solid it was horrendous.

2. Fitness – I’ve never been particularly fit going into a pregnancy but this time I was all over it and it really has made a difference I feel. I also hope it helps in my recovery and even though I haven’t been able to attend fit mums since 34 weeks I feel stronger than I have in previous pregnancies. Can’t wait to get back!

3. Food – look it hasn’t been great but I’ve done my best. I’ve definitely been treating myself, particularly this last month, but I’m okay with that. I do notice my energy levels waiver when I’m eating rubbish so I need to address that sooner rather than later.

4. Pelvis – my pelvic area seriously loosened up about 6 weeks ago and is definitely ready for a baby to come on through. I just hope it comes good after all is done and dusted!

5. Baby movement – this one has been a doozy. Each subsequent baby has moved more than the previous, I’m guess each one had more room to kick around in than the one before. But this one is ridiculous. It really “comes alive” in the evenings and gives me such a hard time! It’s both lovely and nauseating at the same time. It’s definitely one of my favourite things about being pregnant.

6. Pelvic floor – this gave way the minute I became pregnant. It’s how I knew without even taking the test. Bloody hormones. I’m really really hoping this bounces back after birth as well!!

7. Hormonal swings – you’ll have to ask Hubs about this. I haven’t noticed it much to be honest. Ha ha.

8. Exhaustion – yeah this set in about 6 weeks ago, hence me having to give fit mum’s away for the time being. This baby really is sapping every energy store out of me. And I know it’ll get worse before it gets better.

9. Luscious hair – I’ve always cut my hair short around baby time but this time I have quite long, thick luscious locks and I’m seriously loving it sick!

10. Libido – speaking of good…. Again you’ll have to ask Hubs about this, but a gentleman never tells ???

Come on baby. Time to meet you!

Confession time

My name is Renae and I’m a compulsive entertainer.

Entertaining, dinner parties and BBQs were a huge part of my childhood. In a sense I’ve been entertaining my whole life. (Just ask my parents. Badoom ching!) I just can’t help it. The need to have people over on a regular basis is in my blood. It’s genetic. And Hubs shares and encourages this passion.

Two weeks ago though, I put my foot down with Hubs. “No more dinner parties for the time being. I’m nearly 40 weeks pregnant and I need a break! We can have people over but we’re ordering pizza. Because even a simple BBQ equates to preparation and cleaning up and I’m done for now!” That’s what I told him. And I meant it I swear!

So Thursday rolls around and Hubs says “I have a three day weekend. Want to fire up the BBQ Saturday night?”

And what do I say?

“Sure sounds good. Might as well invite the neighbours over. Oh and (insert several more people here.) Nothing fancy. Just burgers.”

Except I decided to make home made bread rolls. Because I can’t help myself.

And I made a special trip to Woollies because I had a hankering for yummy cheese. Because I can’t help myself.

And we invited a few more people who didn’t end up coming (8 in fact) so we “only” had 7 adults and 6 kids.

But that’s it. I swear. I’m done. We had a great night and we can take a break on a high.

Unless I can’t help myself…

Maternity bag: packed

Mum arrived last night and today was a flurry of activity around here. While she took Quinn & Darby out for the morning I went through all of the kids clothes, past present and future, ranging in sizes from 00000 (I got rid of those – no newborn of mine will ever be a size 00000) to size 8. I sorted and culled and sorted some more. I have 10 or so “neutral” outfits for the baby as well as a few blues and pinks ready to roll out.

I also put away some of the kids clothes that they had outgrown, and added some others that will now fit them. I do this probably twice a year and it’s very satisfying. I will be doing it to my wardrobe at some stage as well but not this week!

I hit the shops this arvo to buy some must-haves for my maternity bag and for the first few days with the baby. I need to remember that, if I need to go shopping again in the next couple of weeks, to go in the morning, because this baby really comes alive in the afternoon and evenings. And I can tell you that walking around Stockland with a 38 week old kicking and head-butting and squirming around, stopping me in my tracks and taking my breath away, was quite the site to see.

It was so great to finally get a few things started AND finished IN THE SAME DAY!

Tomorrow being a public holiday will most likely entail lots of clearing out and tidying up and just generally making the house feel a bit more roomy. It’s amazing how much “space” a tiny little baby can take up!