How did this song get in my head?

Here I am, sitting at my desk, minding my own business, looking at real estate in Wang, and all of a sudden I realise I have “Diamonds on the soles of her shoes” but Paul Simon in my head, and I could NOT figure out why that was??

And then it hit me.

One of the houses I was looking at was on Kanana st, which sounds like “ta na na, ta na na na, she got diamonds on the soles of her shoes (a-wa, a-wa)”


It’s like when I was living in Edinburgh, and every time I’d get home from doing the shopping I’d have the song “Edelweiss“, from The Sound of Music in my head and it took me weeks to realise it was because of the bread I bought. You see, the bread was “whole and white”, which leads me directly to: “clean and bright, you look happy to meeeeeeeet meeeee!”

Gosh my brain provides me with hours of entertainment! And now I have edelweiss in my head… 🙂

(And yes, I’m putting it under the “mondegreen” tag just cos I can.

Sticky money

I just came across a couple of students from another college, supergluing a $1 coin on to the footpath outside of their college. I remember doing that in high school, just outside the tuckshop near where we sat.

Some gags never grow old!

I drink green tea

I don’t know how it happened! I just started having green tea in the evenings while Hubs and I watch Boston Legal. I usually make him a herbal tea of sorts (rooibos, cranberry, chamomile, green) and I’d often have a chai tea, but lately I’ve just been making him a green tea then chucking the tea bag in my cup with some hot water to sip on. And it’s extended to my workplace! Now I’m drinking a cup in the morning AND in the afternoon! It’s funny cos I’ve always thought “I wish I liked green tea” and now apparently I do. I hear it’s good for you or something, so that’s even better!

Now I’ll just concentrate on my “I wish I liked running” thoughts and who knows what might happen!

Ring ring

Last night I used a public phone to call Hubs from the shops and it was SO exciting. I’d left my mobile at home and I was doing some shopping and I didn’t really NEED to call him but there was a public phone just sitting there, looking all lonely, so I thought I’d have some fun.

Best 50c I spent all day!

Toast just doesn’t cut it

I’m a cereal girl (living in a cereal world?) and I had toast for brekky this morning and there are so many things I don’t like about toast for breakfast:

1. it takes too long
2. it doesn’t fill me up for more than half an hour
3. too many decisions to be made about what to put on it in the morning (jam? peanut butter? honey?? I’M STILL HALF ASLEEP!)
4. I get distracted very easily so there’s only a 50% chance that I won’t forget about the toast being cooked and burn it beyond recognition
5. I’m hungry now (see 2nd point)

I have a whole week of this!! (we are leaving on Friday and ran out of cereal last Friday and there’s no point in buying a whole new packet just for a week…)

Food combos

spaghetti and bolognaise – good
bolognaise on toast – good
cheese on toast – good
jam and cheese on toast – good
vegemite and cheese on toast – bad
vegemite and anything – bad
banana and honey – good
banana and tuna on toast – bad (yes, I know someone who tried it)
mango on toast – bad
mango – bad
mango flavoured frozen yoghurt – good
natural yoghurt and bran with some honey – good
vegemite and honey – see above
milo – good
peppermint tea and milo – bad

And you?

Quick thinking

It’s my job to order to the key lanyards at the end of the year, so if students (or staff!) lose their keys, the person who finds them can call the number on the lanyard and tell us where the keys are. In a perfect world anyway. Most of the students discard the lanyard as soon as they are given their keys. Anyway. I get to choose the colour and last year I ordered a lovely orange, to contrast with the previous year’s blue. This year I chose purple. Hooray! My favourite colour! The colour of the lanyards have nothing to do with this story, but I like purple so I thought I’d mention it. (And from the looks of my blog, I like the combo!)

They arrived today and look stunning. I gave the first one to my boss (well, one of my bosses – when you’re this low in the pecking order, you have many) and she put it on her key chain. A minute or so later she came out holding the lanyard, looked at me, and said “The phone number is wrong.”

In the 3 seconds before she cracked a smile and said “only joking”, my brain had processed the following:

“Crap crap crap. Hang on, they used the template from last year so that means LAST year’s number must have been wrong, but I know for a fact that it wasn’t wrong. Someone at their end must have stuffed up. It’s not my fault! Hooray!”

Am I the only one here impressed by the speed of my thoughts right there? Maybe it’s the thought of getting into trouble (yes, I’m a scaredy-cat) that makes me think so fast. But seriously! Never mind how gullible I am, LOOK AT MY BRAIN POWER!!! At this rate I’ll be able to take over the world sooner than I thought…. Mwah ha ha ha ha haaaaaa….

New stuff on my blog

I’ve been having a little bit of fun with all the new gizmos and gadgets available on blogger (I accidentally typed blooger! Tee hee!) .com. I am particularly LOVING the new search tool (see left sidebar at the bottom) so I can check and make sure I haven’t already blogged about stuff before I start a new post. (Bad memory). Turns out the search window in the Navbar is fairly useless. Oh well. I do love my new look blog!

Plus, you can see what I’m up to with my TO DO list! Riveting, I know!

I do realise that many of my readers use Google Reader to read blogs (as I often do) but feel free to come over here and visit from time to time to check it all out. Who knows? You might want to know what I’m up to this Friday night in Brisbane!

The Queen

I’m such a dork*. No, really. I sometimes look at myself (either in the mirror or in my head) and just think “Gee I’m a dork.” I’m one of those people you see at the shopping centre, dragging along her little granny trolley while tying to hold a shopping basket as well, wearing pants that are a little too big, bending down to get the yoghurt, dropping half of the stuff in her basket, and trying to pull her pants up. All while giggling to herself. (Yes. This actually happened to me.)

I’m one of those people who will glam up for an occasion, hoping people will notice how hot I’m looking, but then turn up to dinner the next night in a Muumuu and thongs with my hair sticking out at crazy angles, and not give a crap what anyone thinks. (Yes, I do this regularly.)

I’m one of those people who sings 80s songs out loud, anytime, anywhere and think that everyone is laughing WITH me, not at me. Oh, and I also used to LOVE going shopping with my 2 besties in high school, and start singing along to music that was being played in shops. It used to drive them nuts, which made me want to do it even more! (I was a really annoying teenager.) Of course, I would only do it in the shops I didn’t like, and wanted to get out of. (You know who you are! It was all part of my genius plan! Mwah ha ha ha ha.)

There are just too many other examples to speak of. I think one of the things that really enhances and compliments my dorkiness is my clumsiness. Seriously. I’m one of the clumsiest people I know. I was clanging about in the kitchen the other day and I dropped the water bottle twice – once when getting it out of the fridge, and again when putting it back. Hubs didn’t even flinch.

So I asked “How come you don’t even flinch when I drop or smash stuff?”
His response? “Because it happens all the time. Whenever you’re in the kitchen, I hear *crash* “sh*t” at least once or twice.” I thought about it and then laughed a lot. It’s funny cos it’s true! (And I need to stop swearing!!)

So Hubs might be King of the Nerds, but I’m definitely Queen of the Dorks. And a very proud Queen at that.

* the general definition, not the USA definition. I hadn’t even HEARD of that being a potential meaning of the word. I had already written this post before looking up the definition, and you know… I don’t care!