Learning something new every day

We were at our friend’s place for dinner a few weeks ago, and Hubs was having a great time playing with their eldest son (who’s 3 years old), building fun things out of Duplo. Hubs finished his project and showed me:

I was impressed and said
“Honey, that’s a lovely pyramid you’ve made there!”
To which Hubs responded
“It’s not a pyramid. It’s clearly a ziggurat.”
Wifey: “A ziga-what? Stop making up words.”
About 5 seconds later, my friend’s husband walks in, sees Hubs’ creation, and exclaims
“Aaaah. A ziggurat!”
I kid you not.

I was convinced he had heard us talking but he was adament that he was mearly stating the obvious. Yeah. Real obvious. Who the hell has heard of a ziggurat!!??

Potato salad and the splits

Do they have spines?? Or bones at ALL?? I actually really like the music (and I like potato salad!) but the real fun starts about a minute in! Watch til the end. It’s pretty amazing.

 (And yes, this is a cop-out post. I have lots of photos and posts in the slow-cooker, I’ve just been too lazy I just haven’t gotten around to finishing them!!)

My Addiction

For some people, it’s cigarettes (yeuch), for others it’s exercise (I wish), or it might be chocolate (guilty!). But my main addiction is being organised. I love it. I get a thrill out of it when everything falls into place and my handy work pays off. I pretty much single-handedly organised our trip to the USA and it was brilliant. Because I’d done all the work before we left, and we were flexible once we got there to change our plans (somewhat) if we wanted to, we had a stress-free travel experience. I can’t help it! It’s the way I was brought up. (Have you MET my Mum??) Nor do I WANT to help it. (Why on earth would I??) Organising our wedding was like heaven for me…

Hubs, on the other hand, is a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kinda guy. And this is certainly one of the things I find endearing about him. He is relaxed and chilled out most of the time and I know this rubs off on me which is a good thing. I also know that we disagree on certain things when it comes to organising or “over-organising” things as he might say. But it’s a learning curve.

The weekend that we just had, however, proved that no matter how much you organise something, if you keep leaving your suit and dress for the wedding you’re attending behind (first at College and then at Hubs’ Mother’s place), things aren’t going to run so smoothly! Ha ha. Oh, and I haven’t even MENTIONED the fact that I left my purse in Melbourne as well. It was a hilarious comedy of errors by someone who is usually on the ball. I think my memory is failing (yes! Already!) so I might have to start writing more lists.

Our weekend was delightful (apart from the forgetfulness) and the wedding we attended was fabulous. But more about that later. It’s time for me to get …..

(everybody all together!!!!!)


Guilty pleasure

Growing up, we didn’t really eat that much junk food (well, I wouldn’t consider it to be much junk anyway) but over the school holidays, we were allowed to pick a treat-type brekky cereal, and I usually chose Coco Pops or Froot Loops, i.e. bowls of sugary goodness. We were talking about this over lunch at college the other day and I said how much I used to LOVE Froot Loops. A few days later, an anonymous good Samaritan had left a box of Froot Loops on our doorstep! Now, I have my suspicions who it might have been, but I know this person would want to stay anonymous, so I have been quietly enjoying them as a tasty treat.
How can something so pretty and colourful be so bad for you! I haven’t even been eating them at breakfast time, as I like to get the day started on a much more nutritious note. I’ve been eating small bowls, like the one seen above, with a small spoon, while Hubs is at his tutorials at night! Tee hee! What a guilty pleasure!


No, I’m not telling him to chill out. I’m talking about chilblains. (I looked up the Wiki article link, but it had a gross picture on it. Now, how many of you are going to look it up?…) I was talking to a friend down here a few months ago and she was telling us that she gets chilblains and she explained what they were. It’s where your extremities – usually fingers and toes – are sensitive to the cold and blood vessels get inflamed and cause numbness, itchiness and pain.  For the few weeks before that, I had a really sore toe (the one next to the big toe) and it was really sensitive to touch, and sure enough, that’s what it was. My doctor said that it could take up to 6 months to get better, but it might also get worse, and sure enough, the next toe down is sore now.


I thought it might get better after a month in the US summer, but they’ve gotten worse since being back home. Stupid cold Melbourne weather.

Now my toe can’t go to the market

How long do you need it?

A conversation I had with Hubs last night:

Wifey: “Do you have a ruler I could borrow?”
Hubs: “How long do you need it?”
Wifey: “10 or 15 minutes?”
Hubs: (looking bemused) “No, what LENGTH do you need it?”
Wifey: (laughing very hard) “Oh! 15cm should do the trick.”

I laughed about that for the rest of the evening.

Crackin’ the funnies

So we were at the table last night during formal dinner and Hubs and I were talking to our good friend Liza about things we’ve lost. I put Hubs’ keys in a VERY safe place before we went to the USA and now I can’t for the life of me remember where that safe place is. Grrrr. Liza told us that she let her 3 year old son play with her wedding rings which she has NEVER done before, and sure enough within an hour they were also put in a safe place. (This is going somewhere – stay with me!) She ended up finding 2 out of 3 of the rings, but her wedding ring is still hiding somewhere.

Wifey: “maybe our keys are with your ring, and they’re busy making KEY RINGS!!!!” HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! (I’m getting visions of Lucy from Peanuts roaring with laughter at my wit!!)

A false start…

Okay, so as you can see I’ve already failed at NaBloPoMo round 2. There are just so many photos I need to go through, and I want to do a good job of documenting our trip, so bear with me and I’ll try getting it up and going in the next week or so!

In the mean time, Hubs and I bought 2nd hand bikes yesterday and we love them! More biking adventures to come!

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Say it with me! “Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo has fallen into the well!”

For those of who have NO idea what I’m talking about, I refer to a children’s book that I used to read at primary school called Tikki Tikki Tembo. And the reason I bring it up is because the most bizarre coincidence occurred last night at dinner. Our resident little dude Elijah was sitting at the table with his Mum (there is a family with 2 boys who live on college). He’s almost 3 years old and is such a great little guy. Anyway, he was hoeing into his cherry strudel and all of a sudden he started spitting it out, saying “pip pip cherry” cos, you know, there was a cherry pip and I immediately thought of that book.

I asked Elijah’s Mum if she had heard of it and you’ll NEVER believe it, but she had just borrowed it out of the library 2 days ago!! What???? SERIOUSLY?? I haven’t thought of that book in 20 years and all of a sudden it’s in my life again. She promised to bring it to her younger son’s christening on Sunday so I could read it. I CAN’T WAIT!!

Does anyone else remember it??