Two’s company

So as you know, Hubs and Wifey are planning a trip to the USA!! Ahem. Let me rephrase that. Wifey is planning a trip to the USA, and Hubs will be tagging along. Ha ha. Actually I LOVE planning trips, whether it be a weekend away (you know, like this weekend!) or a month long coast-to-coast road trip across America. The plans are coming along nicely and we seem to have similar expectations of the trip which is always a good thing!

The one thing I’m finding annoying/frustrating/hilarious is the accommodation. We have considered arriving in LA, driving to Walmart, picking up a tent and some camping supplies, and doing a bit of camping across the states, though the problem with that is that it’s going to be quite warm (think: camping in Queensland in the middle of summer) plus we’d have to arrive before dark to set up etc. Then I started looking into hostels. They’re all very well and good, except that to book 2 individual people, plus taxes, it ends up costing almost as much as a hotel! Almost…

So we’re looking into couchsurfing at the moment (after a tip from a couple of friends of mine) which sounds like a fun option, but might be tricky to coordinate. We shall see.

I’ve never been so interested (daily) in the US Dollar! I believe the Aussie dollar has been progressively getting stronger which is good news for us. Another funny thing I’m finding is that when you book hotels on line (which I’ve done for Palm Springs and New Orleans) is that you don’t have to pay for it now. You pay when you arrive. But what if the Aussie dollar is weaker then? Too bad…

Aaaaaah the joys of travelling! If anyone has any travelling tips for the States, don’t be shy! We need all the help we can get 🙂


Mnaaaaaaaaarm narm narm narm………

Now I know that Hubs isn’t actually holding a cookie, but the expression on his face, the madness in his eyes, and the crazy teeth just screams COOKIE MONSTER to me!

We attended a Christening on Sunday and were invited to the champagne and nibblies afterwards where there were not only miniature people running around (aka kids – and LOTS of them) but they also had these miniature chocolate crackles. They were the cutest sweetie I’ve EVER seen!!!! And Hubs got so excited by this tiny treat that I just HAD to take a photo! It went down a treat!

See the resemblance?

Karaoke of the dodgy variety

This is a karaoke fail:
(Background: We were promised karaoke by a friend who was in town, and karaoke to me means an awesome night at a pub singing your lungs out. Instead, we rocked up to karaoke booths, waited half an hour for our own booth, paid by the hour, paid $7 per beer, couldn’t find any good songs, and found this sign outside our room…)

Nasty, nasty, nasty…

The epiphany toilet

When asked “what character from Scrubs are you most like?” I have ALWAYS considered myself to be an Elliot. Although I’m not a blonde bombshell, I AM flighty, clumsy, insecure, obsessed about having a baby, and very likeable. I also gain confidence in myself when others believe in me.

But this morning, I realised I’m much more of a J.D. Okay, so I’m not a guy and I don’t ride a scooter, but I DO have full conversations in my head, I narrate my own life, (think Jamie Oliver while he’s cooking) I analyse things way too much, get very involved in people’s lives even when I shouldn’t (though, not so much anymore) and am desperate for the approval of people around me. I’m a people pleaser.

Or maybe I’m a combination of both. J-delliot?

Okay, so it’s not a HUGE epiphany (are there degrees??). I mean, it’s not like the time when I realised I was in love with Hubs when we weren’t even together, and knew without a doubt that we would spend the rest of our lives together. That was REALLY cool.

Which Scrubs character are YOU most like?

Saving Daylight and wasting time

Just so y’all know we’ve wound our clocks forward 1 hour down here so we’re a bit out of sync now. Actually, I think it’s Queensland that’s out of sync really, (I LOVE daylight savings!!) but I’m sure they’ll catch up some time!

The sun didn’t set til 7:30pm yesterday! Though, when I got up at 7am today, it was “really” 6am which is not cool. Apparently the first couple of weeks are a bit tough, but we’ll get used to it I’m sure.

But not only did I lose an hour yesterday due to daylight savings, I also lost another hour and 40 minutes watching the WORST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!! Hubs and I had a free night so we decided to watch “Forgetting Sarah Marshall“. Now I’m going through the process of forgetting Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It should have had a warning on it saying “This is a crap video. Half way through I wanted to make a cup of tea.” (Ref: Jimeoin) It was the biggest pile of poo I’ve ever watched. In fact, watching a pile of poo for an hour and 40 minutes would have been more bearable.

I thought it was going to be one of those gross comedies like Van Wilder or Knocked Up which I quite liked. But no. It was just hideously boring and cringe-worthy. I would have stopped watching after 15 minutes but Hubs thought we should give it a bit longer. After 45 minutes, it had gotten even worse, but now Hubs needed “closure”. Closure shmlosure. I was uncomfortable and irritated and bewildered by the whole process. Luckily, my good friend Adele rang me with 10 minutes to go so I got out of watching the final blows.

I know what you’re saying: why didn’t I just get up and do something else? Well we were watching this drivel in bed on my laptop and I was enjoying snuggling up to Hubs so at least I got SOME enjoyment out of the process.

I rate this movie negative 87 stars; worst…. movie…. ever….

There’s a hair in there

Is it just me, or are stray pieces of hair annoying to other people as well? I sometimes get a loose hair down the back of my shirt and it drives me insane. I have to go searching for it and get rid of it, otherwise it just irritates me. And for those particularly illusive ones that take a while to find, the feeling of satisfaction when you finally get that sucker out is pure bliss. I’ve even been known to utter such things as “gotcha ya bastard” or “ah ha you little sucker!” Yeah. I told you I was crazy.

And what about when you get a stray hair in your mouth?? (How many of you are gagging right now thinking of it?!) Hubs and I were briefly talking about people who chew on their hair and then get a big hairball in their stomaches that they can’t digest. Eeeeeeew! Okay, I’m gagging thinking about it now…

But yes. I was mainly talking about the hair down the back of the shirt. It drives me nuts. Is it just me???

Before and After

I do love a good “before and after” sequence (see College Life). Whether it be seasonal change, people’s before and after shots, maps showing how an area or country used to be. It’s all good. In my own life, I’m pretty good at the after shots, but not so good at the before shots. For example, the trees have been completely bare since we arrived in Melbourne, and I keep thinking to myself “I must take some photos from each season down here.” But alas it hasn’t happened. And today it’s just too darn cold and windy for me to want to venture outside.

I DID however just take an “after” photo of the flowers that Hubs bought me last weekend! (Okay, so I bought them for him to give to me, but a gal’s gotta do what a gal’s gotta do! I went to a flower market and these gorgeous gerbras only cost $3.99!! Cost me NOT to buy them!!) They have lasted beautifully all week and now they’re droopy but still gorgeous! They’re sitting on my window sill as I write this.

Don’t I just have the most wonderful hubs in the world??

Actually, Hubs has only ever given my flowers once, but to be fair he did make them himself:

And I still have them after 18 months! They’re the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever been given.