NO one says potaaaahto

I’m not saying people are wrong when they say brocolleeeee instead of broccolyyyy, but they’re WRONG!!! I thought it was just a Mexican thing (ie people south of the border) that people pronounce the “i” on the end of broccoli with an “eeeee” sound, but it seems not. I was always taught to say broccoli, with the “i” saying it’s own name.

Can I please have a show of hands? Is it broccoleeee or broccolyyyyyy?

The Everlasting Gobstopper

My awesome brother and his gorgeous girlfriend went to Hahndorf, just outside of Adelaide (thanks for the correction bro!) for a wee trip a while ago and brought us back presents!! Everlasting Gobstoppers!! Hubsband’s was about the size of a golf ball, but since (apparently) I have a big mouth, mine was more like a tennis ball. Hubsband finished his off in a week or 2, and the proceeded to work on mine.

Here’s what it would have looked like before (if we’d taken a photo!):

And here’s what happens after a month of sitting in front of a computer, licking a gobstopper:

I must admit, I was very impressed with his persistence! I’m just worried about his next dentist bill… and he’s only half way through!!

Check out the lay-yers!

The Hickey. Friend or foe?

The thing about being married to a 22 year old (or someone who’s 27 who still THINKS he’s 22) is that every now and then Hubs thinks it’s HILARIOUS to give me a hickey. When we first started going out, I was mortified by this, however I soon got in to the spirit of things and started giving as good as I got:

I was actually pretty good at it! This was one I gave him for his birthday last year just before we were leaders on a kid’s camp! (Actually, I think there are 2 hickeys there!!! Yeah!)

And here’s Hub’s most recent handy work at our going away party in June:

But I reckon he’s losing his touch. (Can you even see it?) Although that might mean he’ll want some more practice. I know I’ll probably regret saying this, but hickeys don’t really bother me that much anymore, as long as I don’t have an interview or a special occasion coming up. Plus Hubs gave them to me so often at one stage that it was normal to see Wifey sporting a new hickey at church each week!

So thank you, dear Hubsband, for keeping us young and completely unclassy!

(To learn how to remove hickeys, click here, though I’ve never bothered with anything other than make up!)

One day I went a-walking

I went for a wee walk the other day to post a letter to my Nanny and came across a rather odd sight on the footpath:

At first glance I thought they’d taken the advertising for the new X-Files movie to the suburbs, but after a closer look I realised it was just a jelly-fish! After some investigating (i.e. looking into the yard that it was sitting outside of) I noticed a fishing boat and came to the conclusion that Jerry the Jelly Fish was a stowaway, looking for greener pastures. Unfortunately for Jerry, the grass was not greener on the other side.

And the next day, all that remained of Jerry was a puddle. Perhaps this is a case for Mulder and Scully after all…