Why I rock

Durdlin passed on the “torch of crunchiness” (is that right???) and I have to blog about 7 things that make me awesome (crunchy? I don’t know…) This torch was passed to me 2 months ago and I’ve been trying to come up with a list that’s a nice blend of humour and grace – kind of like me! HA!

So here goes:

1. I can make people laugh. Generally. Even if I have to resort to fart jokes.

2. I sometimes accidently snort when I laugh (and sometimes I do it on purpose)

3. I’m fabulously employable. See?

4. I can dance to 80s and 90s music for 4 hours at the Turf Bar and know almost all the lyrics and all the dance moves to all the songs

5. I can eat ice cream with my front teeth and laugh at people watching me, saying “aaaaaaaw how can you dooooooooo thaaaat?”

6. I can wiggle my ears

7. I use stars when I’m hand-writing dot points

Nothing terribly ground-breaking but they are some of the things that make me me.

I’m supposed to pass it on to 7 more people, but how about I just let you all in on my comments and you can tell me 7 reasons you’re “crunchy” that way.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

I’ve been doing a bit of skipping lately – of the exercise variety, rather than as a way of getting from A to B – and really enjoy skipping to music. I have found, however, that most songs are too fast or too slow to skip in time to, and when I want to do 250 skips at a time, it’s hard to keep count if it’s not in time to the music.

The BEST song with the most suitable skipping-tempo that I have found is “Don’t Worry, Be Happy“. It’s perfect! Not too fast, not too slow, AND it’s easy to count the number of skips I do in groups of 8.

So can anyone find a song with the same tempo as this?


Messing with the colours

You may have noticed that I’ve already changed the colours on my template a couple of times. I’m just not happy with it. I think I liked my original one so much (apart from the lack of NavBar and the inability to fix the “problem”) that now I’m being picky about the new template. I just can’t seem to get the colours right.

I’ll keep fiddling. I may even change the actual layout…

New Look

So I FINALLY got around to choosing and modifying a new template! Ta daaaaaah! Hope you like it! I’m not 100% convinced it’s the best it could be colour-wise, so any suggestions (within reason) will be considered.


A convert

I never used to like her. I thought she was crass and, let’s face it, a little skanky. Singing rude song with rude lyrics – she just wasn’t a singer I was in to. In fact, when my cousin’s told me they were going to see her live a few months ago in Brizzie, I kind of scoffed a bit and thought “better you than me.”

But, surprise surprise, I’ve changed my mind. I do this a LOT, mainly with small decisions and generally insignificant things in my life.

I love Lily Allen.

Okay. I love her music. I find her lyrics witty and charming and clever and HILARIOUS. Even though she sings some rude songs, I now find them endearing instead of offensive. Hubs included her album “It’s not me, it’s you” on our playlist for driving across the states, and now I just can’t get enough of it. I currently have one of her songs in my head, with my favourite line:

I don’t want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
You’ll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we’ll get Chinese and watch TV

Doesn’t that just paint the sweetest picture? Who WOULD want more than that?

We’ve been listening to her other album Alright Still since we’ve been home, and Hubs prefers that album, but I think cos I cut my teeth on “It’s not me, it’s you”, it has become my favourite. Hubs and I (particularly Hubs) like that she still has her common British accent when she sings – dropping her “t”‘s (Everyone’s at it becomes everyone’s aa ii; better becomes beh-ah etc). Hilarious! I’m glad I was open-minded enough (eventually) to give her music a good listen. It wouldn’t be everyone’s taste, but it’s certainly mine!

Loving it!


(I’m still in America, but here’s another post I prepared earlier…)

About 10 years ago (what?… gosh that’s a long time…) Dad and I used to walk the hills of Red Hill and Kelvin Grove. I was on a health kick at the time, and I needed the extra push (sometimes literally) to get up those hills, and Dad was happy to help out – a little TOO happy sometimes! The worst of the worst was Broadhurst St, so we used to get that out of the way at the start, so the other hills didn’t seem as awful. It might not look too bad in the photo, but DAMN that hill was steep! When you were at the top, if you took about 10 steps back and looked down, you would pretty much just see a drop! The thing that made it a real killer though, was that it was SO long. Vale St is steeper, but it’s shorter as well, so the pain isn’t a lingering one! I just remember trudging up those hills, willing my mind elsewhere so it was more bearable.

I really can’t complain though, as Dad also used to (and does still I’m sure!) take a backpack loaded up with bits and bobs to simulate him being in New Zealand, tramping up and down the hills.

And now Dad is proud to have Mum along on his walks! Yeah Mum! We used to go around 6pm which was an absolute killer, as we could smell all the home-cooked meals, waiting to be eaten! But I guess it did get us home quicker!

Thanks Dad! No, really. Thanks a LOT! 🙂


Yeah, it’s good to be a Queenslander. Especially today!! For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, I’M TALKING ABOUT THIS!!! I watched the game with an indifferent Victorian and a dirty New South Wales supporter! (There’s your shout-out DT!! You’re famous!!)

What a mish-mash of a game, but what a great record-breaking victory! I could go on and on but I’ll save my rant for another day.


I now pronounce you…

A Marriage Celebrant! For those of you who didn’t know, I completed a course to become a Civil Marriage Celebrant, and received my licence from the Attorney General’s office last week. It’s a very exciting new chapter in my life, and I’m also going to branch out into naming ceremonies and renewal of vows as well in the future. I love weddings so much, so what better way to be involved in more!!?

Looking forward to diving into this once we get back from America!

Open House

Hubs and I are used to having an “open door policy” when it comes to our home, but that’s not really embraced too much here at college. We love it when people feel comfortable just to pop in for a cuppa or a glass of wine (sometimes even out of a bottle instead of a bag!) and a chat. Granted, sometimes we don’t have time, but we like to think we can make time for our friends where possible.

When I grow up, (ie when we move out of College. lol.) I’m going to really encourage the “pop-in” and hope that people take up the offer. I like that feeling of community and spending quality time with people. I mean, we see people from College every day, but it’s not really quality time, unless we are intentional about it.

I know some people aren’t a fan of other people just dropping in on them, and granted, when you have kids, meal times probably aren’t the best time for a visit 🙂

But all that is ahead of us! We look forward to you popping in to our home some time!

Wifey’s bakery

I’ve been baking again!! Hooray! Here are my latest creations:

Rainbow Coconut Ice and another batch of Anzac Bikkies

The making of the Rainbow Coconut Ice

Another Pumpkin Pie with the pretties tulips EVER! Photo courtesy of Hubs’ new camera!

I really like having the time to put together these creations for our friends down here. I’d like to do it more often too, so watch this space!!