Too much TV

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this much, but Hubs and I don’t have a TV. We haven’t had one since we moved to Melbourne over 3 years ago. Do I miss it? Sometimes. Would I watch it if we had one? All the time. Would it be quality TV? Probably not.

The only thing I really miss is watching the footy (or any sport for that matter), but every time I get the opportunity to watch tv, all I do is complain that there’s nothing good on. You see, I hate reality tv shows, almost as much as I hate facebook, and when seemingly 80% of tv shows are “reality” (and I use the term VERY loosely, just as I would use the term “friends” on facebook) there doesn’t seem much point in getting a telly.

Other reasons?

– I end up watching crappy shows that I don’t even really like and feel shame afterwards.
– I find myself planning my whole day around what’s on TV. (Friends is on for an hour between 10-11am, so I try and get Chance down for his sleep before 10am or after 11am. Shocking.)
– I get annoyed when Chanbe wakes up and I’m in the middle of watching Master Renovator’s Dinner Date Idol.
– Infomercials. Need I say more? Yes I need. I bought something I saw on an infomercial the other day, and I’m not proud of myself for doing so. I just get. Sucked. IN!! (I haven’t told Hubs yet – I’ll “surprise” him when it turns up! Woo!)

Since we’re in Wang for the better part of the next month, I’m sure I’ll be watching a lot of crappy tv. I just won’t be able to help myself!!!

In the next month…

…we will be spending a total of:

22 days in Wang
7 days at home
3 days at student accommodation
Frith will spend 3 days in Melbourne
and I’ll spend the entire time thinking “we did not sign up for this!!!”

I’m trying to keep positive by thinking about all the good things about our situation, like the fact that I get to spend a lot of time with my Wang friends, and that I’ll get to watch rubbish tv at our friend’s house where we’re staying, and that I’ve become really good at packing and unpacking (maybe not in a timely manner, but still.)

I have a to-do list as long as my arm at the moment, and I really need to get back to it. I don’t know how much I’ll be blogging in the weeks to come, but I’m feeling inspired again, so hopefully I’ll get the opportunity to write a few posts that are kicking around in my head.

Back to the packing!

Back again

I’ve been a bit absent from my online life this week, as we have been back in Wang for Hubs’ studies. We had a great time catching up with friends and I had a great visit with my mothers group, and we got back to MB last night. I think the traveling is going to get a bit old (we need to go back to Wang next week from Tuesday night to Friday) but I really do enjoy catching up with my Wang buddies. The down side is, we’re still not settled in our new home! We just haven’t had the time to finish unpacking and shopping for furniture we need (bookshelves and set of drawers mainly) and then there’s the desire to not buy more stuff, which leaves us in a state of almost but not quite moved in to our new place.

Plus, it’s still ski season so I push Hubs out the door to go snowboarding as much as possible. (As if he protests…) He’s up at Hotham today with a couple of friends.

It’s only driving me a little crazy. For the most part it doesn’t matter too much, but this place is not completely child-proofed which means most of my day is spent keeping a very close eye on the little guy. He’s getting pretty quick now so I can’t just leave him and put the washing on without my heart racing a million miles an hour, and hoping he doesn’t find anything that he shouldn’t. He’s currently having a great time in the Jolly Jumper which gives me a few minutes to chill, but I can only leave him bouncing for so long.

On another note, we’re very much looking forward to spoiling Hubs tomorrow on his first Fathers Day! I was going to clean and tidy the place while he was away today and make it all shmicko for him, but that’s just not going to happen. I think I’ll have a little play now with Chanbe instead 🙂

Garage sale

Before we left Wang, we had a garage sale to try and get rid of excess stuff. And boy did we have excess stuff. I think I put out as many clothes as I had left in my wardrobe! I decided it was time to get rid of things that “might fit me one day” and just start fresh. (i.e. more op-shop clothes!) We were told to expect early callers, so we made a starting time of 8:30am on the Saturday morning. At 7:40am, a woman turned up and commented on how we weren’t very organised and told us “I’ve been up since before 6:00am!” And that’s my problem, how?? So she proceeded to help us set up, just so she could get through looking at everything and obviously move on to the next one. Sheesh!

We got rid of some furniture and a lot of crap, but hardly any clothes and not the big stuff like the big desks (one of which we ended up taking to our new place) or the couch or chairs.

Hubs and I were really looking forward to having the garage sale – neither of us had ever had one before – but I’ve gotta say, it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. In fact, it was kind of depressing watching people go through our stuff and decide that they didn’t want it. Like it wasn’t good enough for them. I said to Hubs “if I had come to this garage sale, I would have bought all these clothes!” Funny about that…

Anyway, we made a few hundred dollars and donated the remaining things to Vinnies, so it was a moderately successful day for us, and a more successful day for Vinnies. Next time we might skip the middle man and just send our stuff straight to Vinnies

Here’s Hubs and Chanbe at our garage sale. It was a very very cold morning and we’d had frost overnight. We had set everything up under our carport, but once the frost started melting, all the condensation poured onto the goods (you can see it on the ground) so we had to move everything out from under cover until it stopped! Funny!

Autumn in Wang

I took these photos over the last few months and have only just gotten around to sharing them with you. I love love LOVE Autumn in Victoria.

The only downside to Autumn, is that it’s closely followed by Winter. And Winter in Mt Beauty?? Well, it’s going to be interesting…

Happy 30th Birthday Hubs continued

After Hubs’ exam on Friday, all the med students in his year based at Wang (15) headed back to one of the students’ houses to be greeted with this:

It was officially time to party! We had a nice afternoon with yummy treats, cold beers, and of course, tasty tasty caaaaaake!

(More info on the cake to come)
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Huhhhhhhbssssss,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu!

(Oh okay. Here’s a sneaky peek!)
And of course, being Friday, Hubs and Chance had their best Friday shirts on!
And so continues Hubs’ birthday month!

Happy ??th Birthday Hubs

Since Hubs is celebrating a bit of a milestone this year, we’re having a birthday month! It started on his actual birthday, last Thursday (the 23rd of June, for those playing at home.) I had planned to give him a big sleep in, brekky in bed, and present opening to follow. What actually happened, is that Hubs was the one who gave me a sleep in! That’s just the kind of Hubs I have. An awesome one. Once I got up and showered, I did make him brekky – bagels with cream cheese and we ate together on the couch. Then it was time for prezzies! Unfortunately, it was also time for Chanbe’s nap time. So once he was settled, the opening commenced!

He received some lovely cards from family and friends in Brizzie, as well as a package from his Mum that took him for a lovely trip down memory lane. He also received…

… as well as…
… and then there was this!

Hubs had asked me a month or 2 ago if I could make him a jacket. The thing is, he thinks I’m much more clever on the ol’ sewing machine than I actually am, so I enlisted the help of my dear “Aunty” Heather (who is one of my Mum’s besties, as well as my brother’s Godmother) who is a wizz on the sewing machine, and after running all around Brisbane to find the right material, Aunty Heather did an amazing job turning Hubs’ ideas into reality!

Rather dashing if you ask me! After a leisurely morning lazing around home, we popped down to our favourite coffee shop for a celebratory coffee and cake.
We then had a lovely evening at home, as Hubs had an exam the next morning that he had to prepare for. And I had a party to prepare for! More details to come!

Music gets the best of me

(I love that Sophie Ellis-Bextor song)

If (when) you come to visit us, you’ll notice a few things: 1. There will often be the smell of freshly-baked goods in the air; 2. I will probably apologise for the chaotic mess that will greet you; and 3. There will be music playing. Nothing loud or fancy, just something playing in the background to add a little ambiance and atmosphere to the place.

Why am I talking about this? Besides the fact that I needed a 499th post (the next one’s the big one!) we have been to a couple of social events lately that have been okay but really could have benefited from some background music. Music is the ultimate ice breaker and helps to lighten any mood in any situation. This is definitely one of those things that Hubs and I can’t understand why other people don’t think the same way as us.

I’ve even been at people’s houses and suggested “Hey do you want to put a CD on?” Is that rude? I’m not saying that these events have been awkward or boring, I’m simply saying having music on as well can make a social situation even better. Like adding a spoonful of milo to your coffee, or putting butter on your corn. It just adds that little something that makes it extra good.

That’s pretty much all I have to say about that. And now, to keep you excited, here’s a fun video we took of Chanbe on Saturday night (oh yeah, we’re party animals) feeding himself. And my voice is in there as usual, laughing my guts up. Oh, and see if you can pick the song/band playing in the background!

Enjoy! And I’ll see you soon at number 500!