As we always do when we are visiting south east Queensland, we headed down the coast for the day to visit Hubs’ Dad and Nanna.
Road trip with a full car!
Lots of happy campers in the car.
Nanna is now 98, turning 99 in April! What a trooper! I didn’t take as many photos as I would have liked but we did have a lovely day.
It was too hot to go to the beach when we arrived at 10.30 so instead we hung out for a bit, drank coffee and milkshakes and beer (not all at once) and then headed out for playground and fish and chips around midday.
If there is one thing I will never understand in Queensland, it’s unshaded playgrounds. I mean, I get that shade sales are expensive, but what the heck is the point of going to all the trouble and expense of building a playground, only to leave it in full sun from midday onwards?? Or worse, no shade from trees and full sun all day. Honestly it baffles me. So when we got to this playground, I just shook my head. But we were there and the kids were keen.
Brotherly love. They were discussing age in hexa decimal, and how this year it’s J’s f-teeth birthday and he’s looking forward to his 20th birthday next year. I know, right?
After a while it was time to head back to Nanna for an ice cream cone and a cheeky nap. Not that I got my nap, but the kids sure got their ice cream!
I told Quinny she looked like a pirate so she pulled this face.
We headed home via the airport and said goodbye to Hubs. He has to work tomorrow so he’s on his way back now. Boo. We will be road tripping home with Aunty Jess on Friday and we’re pretty much all booked up between now and then! With a sleep in for me on Wednesday of course! (It’s in the schedule!)
As is the way, I won’t be able to catch up with everyone I wanted to but it’s been great so far with lots more to come.