I see the light

As you know, the last couple few 6 months have been hard. I’ve probably struggled more in this time than I have for years. There have been lots of low points for me, yet at my core, I have been happy. Does that make sense? I have been happy with my greater life, just not the day-to-day stuff. Not the little things. And it’s the little things that can really add up.

Tonight, for the first time since I can remember, I felt a twinge of hope. I felt like all the stuff I’ve been going through is building up to something good, and I can finally see it. It’s not in the far distant future where it has been hiding for so long. It’s there. I can see it. I can almost feel it.

In 6 days time, things are going to be better. I know this at my core. I finally believe it. I just have to get through these next 6 days, which is not going to be easy, for reasons I will elaborate on next weekend.

So if you believe in prayer, please send some my way, as I’m going to need them this week. I’ll see you on the other side 🙂


  1. Big Prayer for you.

    I get what you mean about being happy at your core but being unhappy with lots of small things.

    You’ve had a lot to deal with this year. Be kind to yourself.

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