So it turns out Ingham Chickens aren’t from Ingham. It was rather a disappointment to me, if I were to be completely honest. One that I got over very quickly, but I realised I had been making the Ingham chicken love ’em joke for a little while and well, don’t I look sheepish.
Moving on.
We have internet!! Obviously. This makes me very happy. Except we don’t have much internet. We have gone from 200GB of ADSL a month to 3GB of wireless. It’s not pretty. I have a lot of reading to catch up on my feedly account, but I don’t want to blow our data limit!!
Ingham is great. The trip here went well – I drove the land cruiser towing our dodgy trailer (Hubs calls it “agricultural”…) with the red baron on top (see below) while he drove the kombi. We both made it with no trouble. The house they (the hospital) have provided for us is really lovely. I was a bit disappointed when they told us they didn’t have one of the lovely new roomy units available for us, and that they were putting us up in the older house, but as soon as we walked in the door, we knew we’d love it here.
We’ve just been settling in, albeit quickly, going to church the day after we arrived, and having someone over for dinner already, plus our friends came to stay for the weekend! The kids have been a bit sick on and off since we arrived, and Chanbe has been somewhat displaced and a bit challenging, but we are doing well.
We are heading down to T’ville for the weekend for Chanbe’s 3rd birthday party which Mum and Dad are coming up for, and then they are coming to stay here next week which will be lovely.
As usual, I’ll let the photos tell the rest of the story!!
So that’s us updated for now. We haven’t really gotten into any kind of routine as yet, as there have been a lot of days sleeps (them, not me 🙁 ) which has thrown things out of whack a bit. But I’m not really in need of routine at the moment. This is like a bit of a holiday for us, so we’re just going with the flow. Because that’s what you do in north Queensland ay?