It’s been a while

The kids and I arrived in Brisbane today. Dad picked us up from the airport and brought us back to Woody Pt for lunch and cuddles with Gran. And soon we will be heading to my wonderful friend’s place to stay with them for the week. The kids are crazy excited about that. As am I.

We haven’t seen Gran and Grumpy since Darby’s baptism, ย and I can’t even remember when we stayed with them last.

It’s been too long.

I’m not ashamed to say that when we stay here I get spoilt rotten. I get sleep ins, I don’t do any washing or cooking or cleaning, and I do minimal parenting. It’s a genuine break for me and I’ve really missed it this year.

I might have to book in some time soon.

The flight down was great – the kids were perfect and it was smooth sailing the whole way. I’m looking forward to being with my people this week.

Might see you round ๐Ÿ™‚

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