June 2007 – June 2008 (part-time)
How could I say no? My old project (Child Safe Church) was getting another face-lift, and YACMU wanted me to be a part of it. So they offered me part-time work of 5 days a fortnight to manage the project. Although I loved working at Southern-X, doing the job full-time wasn’t very challenging, so I applied to cut back to part-time and only do 2 days per week. They were okay with that, so I started my new work routine.
I worked at the hospital Mondays and Wednesdays, and at YACMU Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday mornings. This meant that my weekend started at 12:30pm on a Friday! It was sweeeeeeeet! I was also at the beginning stages of planning our wedding so this gave me some free time to look at dresses, flowers, decorations and all wedding-related things. It was also nice to be able to have lunch with family and friends or catch up for an early pint at the pub.
This type of work situation really suited my lifestyle and I felt that I had FINALLY found my dream job/s.