Of sunsets and smiles

On our final evening at Karumba, we decided to go to the recommended fish and chip shop, grab some takeaway dinner and sit on the “beach” and watch the sun go down. The food did not disappoint, and nor did the view. Hubs bought a “new” Digital SLR camera recently, and has been having lots of fun with it, as you can see.

Sunset 1

Quinn’s response to Hubs’ direction of “go over there and look cute.” I think she nailed it.

Quinn sunset 1

Quinn sunset 2

Chance sunset

Sunset 2

Mama and Quinn

As Hubs started losing the light, he told Chance to try and stay really still.

Chance sunset 2

Then he said “try and stay still, but not look so sad.” There’s my little guy.

Chance sunset 3

So as I sit here at our desk, feeling hot and a bit sticky, I’m already missing the sea breezes that turned 35 degrees into heaven. I spent a lot of time just sitting, enjoying the breeze and the green grass around me. It’s amazing the things you miss when you don’t have them. Living so far away from the coast has really made me appreciate the water so much more, and I can’t wait to get closer next year.

Did I mention we are moving to Rockhampton next year? Probably not. But that’s a post for another day.

1 Comment

  1. Ooh, Rockhampton sounds lovely! After being spoilt with the totally agreeable, milder climates of Melbourne and Perth, I’ve told my husband I can’t move any further north than Sydney. Watch, we will be living in Darwin before I know it.

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