Baby bumps

Tomorrow I hit 37 weeks pregnant which according to whomever makes the rules, puts me at full term. Unless the rules have changed and no one told me. But whatever. If this baby arrives before 41 weeks it’ll be a miracle. I’m here today to share some photos of me around the same stage with…

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A High Tea

These ladies. Honestly. How did I ever get so lucky? A couple of months ago my friend (far right) said to me “so what are we going to do for your baby shower?” And I was like “ummm my what now?” I mean it’s the fourth child. I’m lucky if people a) know I’m pregnant…

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Aaaaah marriage

What an interesting beast. Two people meet, they lust after one another, they fall in love, they can’t imagine ever being angered or pissed off by this person, they get married and WHAM! Reality hits. And it bites. Now obviously this scenario isn’t true for all couples. Obviously some couples piss each other off much…

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Day 2 in Syd

Unfortunately the bed in the Air bnb we’re staying at is only a double. Fortunately I couldn’t give a crap because not only did I not have to get up to kids all night (only to pee. Twice. Damn pregnancy bladder!) but I also got to enjoy it until 9.30 this morning. The last 3…

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Parenting is…

…when you have hung out three loads of washing and the kids are upstairs playing with Hubs and you realise you could get away with sneaking a chocolate Paddlepop ice cream from the fridge downstairs and take 5 minutes to sit down and enjoy it, only to hear your daughter calling you when you’re halfway…

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S05E14 Leslie and Ben

Aw my gawsh. I know I was a little late coming to the Parks and Recreation party but better late than never. I just watched The wedding episode and teared up more times than I care to admit! I’m so in love with Leslie and Ben! Seriously too gorgeous! I think about weddings a lot,…

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