Progress update

I kicked off my 101 in 1001 this week, and already have a few things started: I’m currently completing my 3rd week of the Couch 2 5k program and it’s going quite well (001) I have been making a conscious effort to think something positive about myself every day. A few examples: I don’t cringe…

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Mothers Day

Yesterday was Mothers Day here in Australia. Hubs had to work so I have booked in my sleep in and breakfast for his next day off which is this Thursday. Our friends are up visiting so we had a day of touristy stuff planned. Chanbe must have known it was a special day, as he…

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a 7 minute post

I’m sitting in a shopping centre, using one of those internet stations. It reminds me of being overseas when I’d pay for a certain amount of time and have a certain number of things to do and the last few minutes would be a frantic rush to get those last few emails etc out. We…

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My list of things I don’t need right now:– Chanbe had a temperature last night and was generally miserable, so neither of us got any sleep. Barely keeping my eyes open right now.– An obstetrician at the hospital has ordered another glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes, even though the first one I had…

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Since we gave plenty of notice of our intention to leave this house, we have already had 6 lots of people come through with the real estate agent to inspect the house. We are not breaking our lease – I signed up until the 17th of November – so I just thought I would be…

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