Bumper weekend

You know those weekends that you have every now and then where you get to Sunday night and you just can’t imagine how the last 2 days and nights could have been any better? I’ve just come off one of those. It started on Friday night when, although we watched the worst movie of 2010,…

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Cheap skate

The thing about not having a lot of spare cash is that we tend to lean towards the cheaper “things” just to save a few dollars here and there. Problem is, more often than not we have to end up buying the more expensive “things” down the track because the cheap stuff is… well… it’s…

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Happy Mothers Day…

… to meeeeee! I “suggested” to Hubs that since it was my very first (official) Mothers Day, that if he wanted to make a bit of a big deal of it, that that would be fine by me. And boy did he come to the party. I had mentioned a couple of things that I…

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Scar tissue

Scars are funny things. Some of them you show proudly, some you try and hide. Some you’ve had for most of your life, others are brand new (pardon the pun :-). I have a few “favourite” scars. There’s one on my forearm that I got from an extremely hot dish while I was making rusks….

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Garage sales

I love a good garage sale, but I hate crappy ones. Hubs and I have been hitting a few over the last few months here in Wang, and after the last lot we went to, I have realised there are 2 types of garage sale: Type One is where the owners want to make money,…

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Why do we store stuff? Hubs and I have boxes and boxes of stuff stored at Hubs’ Mum’s place, cos we thought it would be crazy to take everything down to Melbourne/rural Victoria with us. Instead we took the bare necessities (and some extra stuff) and have bought bits and pieces, generally second-hand, along the…

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So much to do

We leave for Melbourne on Tuesday and there seems to be so much to do before we go. Actually, we only have a to do list of 4 things, but when you have a newborn, even finding 15 minutes to clean the kitchen is a challenge! I really didn’t understand that before – how new…

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3 cheers for energy!

About 2 weeks ago, I started to crash and burn. Until that time I had been feeling fantastic, still walking to and from work, and just generally buzzing. I started to have so much trouble (yes, more than usual) getting out of bed in the morning, and cut back my work day to 10:30-5, and…

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