Having to wake up not one but two sleeping kids to do the kindy pick up.
And the winner is…
… Toowoomba!
Just in case you haven’t heard, we are heading to Toowoomba for 2018.
Hubs didn’t get onto the Orthopaedic training program this time around, and this was one of our “just in case” options that we are really happy about. But the thought of moving? It’s kind of put me into a bit of a spin. I know I’ve done it before (many many times) but this time it’s with four kids, and we’ve been here nearly three years. That is a lot of kids and a lot of stuff.
Oh and did I mention the renovations? Yeah, they are still being done around us. It’s all time and money, both of which we do not have much of at the moment.
So here’s what the next five months are looking like for us:
The kids and I will be down in Brisbane (staying with my parents at their NEW HOUSE at Woody Point! Woo!) for the September School holidays – Looking forward to lots of catching up in that time, including our 20 year High School reunion. Wait, that can’t be right…….. 20 years!?? What the hell!? I’ll also use this time to pop up to Toowoomba to check the town out, maybe pick up some school enrollment forms, and just get a good feel for the place.
At the end of October, Hubs and I are hoping to go on our yearly pilgrimage to Melbourne for PAX Aus, just with Jules, and leave the kids with my parents for a few days.
Then in the middle of November, which is not quite three weeks after we get back, we are heading to Cairns for 10 days for a course for Hubs (only three days), and a family holiday that we tacked on to the start of it. We are also (hopefully) being joined by our friends who we met in Townsville who are now living in Victoria, and it’s Chance’s 7th birthday while we’re there. And we somehow managed to find a Stayz house right across the road from friends who live there, who we met in Ingham. What the!!???
Then a week after we return, we are holding our farewell to the house and to Rocky party on the deck – it’s going to be huge.
Then the following week (the last week of school) I’m planning on packing up the house and being ready to leave on the first weekend of school holidays. That way we can have the house empty to get it painted and anything else finished, ready to rent it out.
Yes, my house is going to look beautiful after I leave it 🙁
Then I’ll be heading to Toowoomba to hopefully line up a house for us to move in to in January, when Hubs will join us and start his new job at the end of Jan, just when the kids are ready to start school.
Then it’s Christmas, and then we will be moving and starting all over again. Again.
Gosh I have so many feelings about this move. Probably all of the feelings. Overwhelm, angst, sadness, excitement, dread, bewilderment, happiness, and many more. I look around this house and feel like it’s been both a blessing and a curse. We have been blessed to have met the most wonderful people here, and to have spent many an occasion on our deck and in our yard. But the renovating business is not for the faint at heart. I don’t ever want to tackle a project like this again, but we had to learn the hard way!
This was supposed to be a quick update about where we are at, but I guess it just reflects the craziness of our lives at the moment. I know that in six months time, we will be settled in a new house, in a new town and meeting new friends, which is both exciting and completely terrifying. Wish me luck!
Bit squashy
Getting into it
Fat and fit
It’s all relative I know, but I’m feeling quite big in my skin at the moment. I really thought I would have shifted some of this baby weight by now, as I’ve been back at the gym for 7 weeks. But it ain’t budging.
Sure, it may have something (everything) to do with what I’m shoving in my gob, but I do still feel a bit cheated! Everything is hard at the moment with my spare tyre sitting around my waist; even exercise. Actually especially exercise.
My knees have been screaming at me the last few weeks and I’m sure it’s because of the extra weight. It’s so easy to say that I need to start eating better but it’s so hard to do.
We are starting our next challenge at fit mum’s in 10 days and I really want to try my very hardest to match my food efforts with my gym efforts. In the meantime, if I’m going to be fat, at least I’m going to be fit!! And hopefully I’ll fit into my jeans again soon….
Back to it
It’s been a weird sort of week around here. Hubs has had the flu and has been home, mostly in bed, and I guess partly because of that, my routine went a bit out the window. I ignored my 6am alarms each morning, I missed fit mum’s on Wednesday because I had a tickle in my throat and I got paranoid I was getting the flu, and I didn’t make lunches in the evenings, instead opting to try and complete the task in the mornings. We were also going to bed later since Hubs wasn’t getting up at 5am for cross fit and I was sleeping later as well.
It wasn’t a great week. And to be honest it was interesting to see how those small things every day can really impact on family life. The kids have been a bit unsettled this week and as lovely as it has been having Hubs’ company each day, it’s also been harder having an extra person to look after.
At least with no work and cross fit there was much less washing!
So it’s back to business tomorrow. Lunch is made, my coffee is ready to go in the morning, and fit mum’s is on the cards. Looking forward to a new start to a new week.
(Darby didn’t want to join in ?)
My Darby
Darby opens the freezer door
Me: “Darby get out of there please”
Darby: “I not in there!”
Darby: (referring to his battery-powered toy) “it’s not worrrrrrkiiiiiing”
Me: “give it a little jiggle”
Darby: wiggles his bum
Me: “Darby!!”
Darby: freezes and looks at me
Me: “Stop doing that.”
Darby: “I have!” Fair point.
It’s funny that when we were discussing having a 4th baby one of the things I was worried about was that Darby would get a bit “lost” in the mix. There is no possible way that is going to happen ☺
Little snores
Is there anything sweeter than hearing your baby sleeping in his bassinet beside you, snoring softly? Julius is making the loveliest content sleeping sounds I think I’ve ever heard.
Hubs is on my other side, finally asleep and breathing softly. He has the flu and has been pretty miserable today. He hardly ever gets sick but this has not been a great year for him – I think this is about his 4th sick day this year! And considering that I think he had only taken a grand total of 10 (5 in a row because of shingles) since starting with Qld Health in 2013, it’s a lot for him. Get better soon honey.
And it’s official – we are heading to Toowoomba in 2018. I’m very excited about it but also sad to be leaving and stressed about getting all the house stuff finished before we leave! Eep!
Signing off for the night, listening to sweet sleepy sounds xx
10 Things on the 10th
10 things I am currently grateful for:
1. This face. 12 weeks today!
2. Sleep
Jules is giving me so much sleep for a 12 week old! And even though Darby is waking me up a fair bit at the moment (damn excema flare up!!) he’s pretty easy to settle once he’s in our bed. It’s amazing how much easier parenting is when you have a 5-6 hour stretch of sleep under your belt!
3. My boobs
Stay with me here – just the fact that I have been able to breastfeed all of my babies with only a few dramas along the way. I am so grateful for this.
4. Our king size bed
Because sometimes by 6am there are five of us in there…
5. The weather
Aaaaah winter in Queensland. Is there any better time of the year? Cool nights and warm days. Just bliss.
6. A developing plan for next year
I still can’t share the destination as it’s not 100% locked in but things are starting to come together for 2018. More details to come very soon!
7. Neighbours bringing dinner over
Is there any meal better than one that you don’t have to cook yourself? I think not.
8. Hubs
This man just keeps on keeping on. We are in such a lovely place right now and have been savouring coffees together on our deck, knowing our weeks here in our Rocky house are numbered.
9. School pick up
We have friends with a teenage son, and he has been walking Chance home from school the last four or so months. He is unable to do it this week so I’ve been doing it and I must say that I can’t wait for him to be available again next week! Getting three kids there and back to pick up a fourth is not a lot of fun. Especially when I make the silly decision to do it on foot! Won’t be trying that again anytime soon…
10. Fit Mums
Yes yes I know I bang on about this all the time but I just can’t help it!! I love my three morning sessions a week, and I’ve also started trying to go to the high intensity interval training sessions the other two evenings, but it all depends on Hubs getting home on time. One of the biggest things I will miss when we leave at the end of the year.