Day 17 Part 2 – “We don’t sell alcohol on a Sundee.”

Wifey: “Ahem. Say what now?”Walmart check-out chick: “Aaaahm sawry Ma’am, but it’s a Sundee. We don’t sell aylcahaaal on a Sundee.”Wifey: (thinking to herself “deeeeep breaths. Caaaaalm down. She’s probably just joking”) “Are you serious?”Walmart check-out chick: “Yes Ma’am.” Well whaddyaknow? Alabama doesn’t sell alcohol on a Sunday. Usually this would be fine. Well, not…

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Sew what?…

I’ve been meaning to blog for AGES about my sewing ventures, but there haven’t been many exciting ventures to blog about. Mainly clothing alterations and mending really. Last weekend though, we replaced a few rubbish bits of furniture (we were using a single bed as a couch) with some much better bits of furniture (a…

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Happy Birthday Hubs

As many of you know, I LOVE surprises. And I love giving them almost as much as receiving them! So the last month or so I’ve been scheming behind Hubs’ back, planning a big celebration for his 2nd 21st!! He was getting cranky that everyone else on college is having their 21sts so I thought…

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Ready… Steady… BAKE!

As I mentioned the other day, the Newman College Senior Common Room held a bake-off on Sunday, and it was an event that lived up to expectation. In the last few weeks, there has been a lot of big talk about who’s going to bake what, and who’s going to win. The scene was set…

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Dreads on a skateboard

A couple of months before we were due to leave for Melbourne, Hubs asked if he could buy an electric skateboard. Yes, you read correctly. Now being married to a nerd who loves all things gadgety, I wasn’t terribly surprised with the request. He showed me some YouTube clips to convince me of how teyodally…

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Mum came down for a visit last weekend and we had a de-lightful time! We left Hubs at home to study (aka do all the things he’s not “allowed” to do when Wifey is home like read recreationally and watch scary movies!) and took a road trip out to Stratford to visit some rellies. We…

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Playing host in Melbs

Friends of ours visited a few weeks ago from the Netherlands (we’ve had quite a few visitors this year so far – it’s been great!!) and we played host to them for the weekend. Dan took some super shots of old Melbourne Town and I’ve added them below.An old-style tram cruising down Chapel StEureka Tower…

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