10 things on the 10th

10 things I miss about Frith 1. His smile. It’s the first thing anyone ever noticed about him. That and his awesome dreads. 2. His laugh. It was sometimes a high pitched girly giggle. It was all him. 3. Watching him give the kids a hug. 4. Being able to text him when something stupid…

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10 things on the 10th

Random edition 1. Quinn spilled some of her chocolate ice cream on her foot last night while watching our Friday night movie. I thought I had cleaned it all up. This morning the kids were running around and she scraped her foot and insisted it was bleeding and that she needed a band-aid. I was…

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10 things on the 10th

Due today! Reflections on my fourth pregnancy; the good, the bad and the ugly. 1. Itchiness – if there was one thing I could have absolutely done without this pregnancy it would be the hormonal itch on my arms. It was just torture. Some evenings I’d be beside myself with that under-the-skin itchy feeling that…

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10 things on the 10th

10 things about me that I’m sure drive Hubs crazy 1. I change my mind. A lot. Sometimes mid-sentence. Sometimes we will have decided on a certain course of action, and then I’ll go away and decide that we should do it a different way, and sometimes maybe I forget to tell him about the…

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