The pork belly agrees

I cannot tell you how much I laughed when, after an hour of roasting this tasty little mushroom and haloumi stuffed pork belly, it came out looking like this:


Even the pork belly has had a sh*t. Day.

I laughed and laughed. I’m not going to lie. My jovial mood can be slightly attributed to my sampling of the craft wine. (Kind of like craft beer but more crafty) And the fact that all 3 children are sound asleep in bed and it’s Friday night and Hubs is home and it’s raining and we get to watch a movie and eat yummy food and drink yummy craft wine and snuggle up together on the couch.

So all in all a good end to a sh*t day.

Except that I just remembered I have a clothesline full of half dry washing.


Now I have a clothesline full of wet washing. Meh. Whaddayagunnado?

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