The Stars shine again

Last year I talked about how Hubs was playing Stars Footy. Well, he’s at it again! They have played 2 games so far. The first game was against Kendall College – these poor guys have to travel an hour to get here, they only have enough players to run on (no subs) and they get beaten (not as convincingly as you might expect) by a mob of Newman players who think it’s funny to do the “Braveheart Run” at the start of a play.

It was a fun and exciting match and the lead was shared by both teams before Newman came away with a win. There were a lot more kicks and marks (where you catch the ball on the full after it has been kicked at least 10 metres. I think that’s right) taken which made it a good spectacle. I won’t mention how freezing cold it was on the sideline, as I’m sure the players felt the chill in only their singlets and (short) shorts. Like last year, they had more players on the bench than on the field, so Hubs only got about 15 minutes of game time. He had a great time though!

The next game was a bit less thrilling for Newman unfortunately. We were up against a very strong Ormond team and even a goal off a Braveheart run couldn’t save it for us. There were fewer subs this game and Hubs had a really good run. I was so proud! A “brawl” at the end finished the game 1 minute and 34 seconds prematurely (I was timekeeper) but it may have been for the best!

I took some photos at the first game, but they pretty much looked the same as the ones I took last year! I’ll try and get some more at another game. There should be a couple more to come.

Go the Stars!!


  1. I guess they made a special effort to wear the uniform this year! Short white shorts. *shudder*
    Hubs is NOT allowed to partake in this dreadful practise.

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