A day in the life…
5:30am Hubs alarm goes off for crossfit.
6:00am I’m joined in bed by Chance. Darby has been there since 10pm the night before when he rolled out of his bed.
6:30am Get up and feed Julius while my superstar Chance makes breakfast for him and “the kids”. (Beaming!)
7:15am Hubs comes home to join the fun.
7:15-8:30am Kids make all good choices and have lots of baby cuddles and get ready for the day.
8:30am Hubs does the Chance school run with three big kids.
9:00am Hubs takes Q & D to indoor sports centre where they have an inflatable play set up.
9:00-11:30am I feed Jules and put him to bed about 7 times while doing Woollies online shopping. Decide to call it and just have snuggles. He’s asleep at 11:30am.
11:30-12:30 Pop in visit from rellies driving through town. Hubs returns with kids and Darby goes to sleep at 12.
12:30 Feed Jules again and put him down for a sleep at 1.
1:00pm I decide to have a bit of a nap.
1:00-2:45pm Hubs and Quinny play downstairs.
3:05pm I wake up from my nap. Hubs is doing school pick up. I wake Darby up. (3 hours is enough for you buddy!)
3:15pm Chance comes home and Hubs has to drop something off at work. Takes Quinny for the walk.
3:15-4:15pm I have a lovely hour with my three boys who are all being delightful.
4:15pm Hubs gets home. They have been to the op-shop across the road from the hospital. Quinn has two new pairs of jeans and a new shirt as well as a comic book. Chance doesn’t do his nut because he didn’t get anything. I’m genuinely surprised and incredibly pleased!
4:30-5:30pm We do a house tidy for the cleaner tomorrow morning. Everyone pitches in and no fuss is made. Feeling proud.
5:30pm The kids get to watch Wallace and Gromit for all their efforts while I finish off cooking the roast lamb. G & T time for Hubs.
6:00pm Kids sit down to eat dinner and actually eat their dinner.
6:30pm Bath time for all. They are having too much fun to get out.
7:00pm Out of Bath and story time.
7:30pm All in bed and apart from Darby being a bit cheeky, all asleep by 8:00pm. Mama and Dadda get to have dinner. Jules continues to snack.
8:30 Kitchen cleaned, Jules in bed, shower time for me.
9:00pm All six family members in bed and it’s time to blog.
It’s nothing too exciting, and what I didn’t mention was that Darby weed on the floor twice and Quinn had about an hour of driving me crazy with her “acting out” but the good far far far outweighed the bad, and Hubs and I looked at each other at the end of today and agreed that today was a good day. I have two blissful weeks of Hubs at home to help us adjust to life with four kids and I’m not even thinking about him going back to work at this stage. Just enjoying all of us being together.