What’s the happy-haps?

A friend warned me about this. Her words went something like

“Make sure you keep blogging even though you’ve joined facebook.”

“Of course I will!” Was my reply.

But I have been somewhat neglectful of this space. To be honest, I’ve really found our lack of decent computer set-up partly to blame. We don’t have a PC set up this year that I can just plonk myself down in front of, and start typing. I do most of my blogging on our Surface Pro laptop thingy, but by the time I find it, realise the battery is dead, plug it in to the charger at the desk, scrounge around for the keyboard and mouse to plug in, the effort is a bit off-putting.

The last 6 months have been a bit of a blur to be honest, and the next 2 months aren’t going to slow down for me either. You see, Chanbe turns 5 on Friday. I’ll let that sink in for a minute, but it can’t be that long since this happened. My darling first born has put in an order for a Dusty Crophopper cake, which I’ll do my best for.

Remember this? This is Chance at about 2 months old.

Chance baby

And this is Chance at almost 60 months old 🙂


HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

And 10 days after Chance turns 5, my baby Darby-doo turns 1. I was feeding him today, and just soaking it all in. He may well be our last baby, and I’ll stop breastfeeding him soon, and that makes me sad because I’ve loved feeding my babies. I’m going to miss this post-feed contented look.

Darby booby

And this is Darbs at around 2 months as well.

Darby baby

My boys are so delightful. They absolutely adore each other.

My boys 2

My boys

They’re going to be such great pals when they’re older, I’m sure of it.

As well as 2 birthdays, I’m also doing my first wedding expo on Sunday (so nervous!!), we have 2 kindy break-ups (it has begun), I’m ankle-deep in my Christmas card making (I only started a few days ago when inspiration struck! I was going to forgo them this year, but I once I got going, there was no stopping me!) my parents are coming up for a week (so many yays), there are 2 end of year hospital functions to attend (one of them is a child-free all day catamaran cruise around Great Keppel Island. So. Excited.) and then we’ll be heading south for Christmas. I’m so excited to be having Christmas in Brisbane! My mum’s side of the family will almost all be there and it’s been years since we’ve had Christmas day with them.

So yeah, another random post for you to ponder over. I don’t even know how to end it, so I just did.

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