A write-off

It may seem dramatic, but I’m officially writing-off the next 6 months. There is no normality in our lives; no consistency, no routine, no continuity. This may seem like an exciting way to live, but when you have an almost-11-month-old, it’s not ideal. We’re in Wang for most of October, in MB for most of November, going to Brisbane for December and January, and who knows what next year will bring. So instead of stressing about it, and trying to be normal in any way I can, I’m just going to fly by the seat of my pants and accept that this is our life right now.

I’m sitting here, at our friend’s place in Wangaratta where we stay when we’re here, listening out for Chanbe in case he wakes up, as he is on our bed instead of in his cot as he seems to have developed an aversion for his portacot, and my back just doesn’t have anything left to be picking him up, putting him down (repeat repeat repeat), hoping he has a good sleep. He still doesn’t sleep well, and there is nothing we can do while we are living this transient lifestyle: I’ve just got to go with it.

I’m devoting this time to catching up on my google reader, doing a bit of blogging, and reading trashy magazines that my friend buys. And hoping that this lifestyle we are leading won’t impact too dramatically on our little guy.

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