Travelling Tassie II

On the Saturday (24th April) we headed to the Salamanca Markets for a little look-see.

It was quite busy and we slowly made our way around the whole place. I gotta tell you, it’s pretty depressing walking around markets for 2-3 hours, knowing you don’t really have any spending money!! The usual suspects were there (jams, cards, clothes, jewellery) but Hubs and I were quite taken with the wood carvings and the leather goods, respectively. The weather was quite okay – a bit windy which blew the autumn leaves up in the air which was so gorgeous. We then hopped into the car and started heading up to Swansea.

On the way, we had to stop at Orford for this amazing view:

The clouds were completely covering those mountains when we first got there, but by the time Hubs set the camera up, it was starting to clear. Very pretty none-the-less! We arrived at Swansea around 3pm and caught up with Lesla (a relative, but too hard to explain how we’re related!!) over a cup of tea and some ANZAC bikkies – it was the ANZAC day long weekend after all! It was such a beatiful afternoon that Lesla took us for a walk along the beach – practically on her doorstep!

It really was very pleasant! We got home a bit before dark and settled in for an evening BBQ (cooked outside, eaten inside – it wasn’t that warm!) Mike and Lesla gave us some info about Freycenet National Park – our destination for the following day, and after watching a bit of the footy, we headed to bed for a nice, warm, cozy night sleep.

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