It’s my birthday week! (and I forgot!)

It was my birthday yesterday and it just hasn’t felt like my birthday week this year. I don’t really know why. I have reminders for all of my friends and family’s birthdays a week in advance in my phone, and a week ago, a reminder popped up for my birthday and I thought “huh? Really??”

So anyway, I woke up yesterday morning (at 8:45!) to this:

which quickly turned into this:
If there’s a better way to wake up, I’m yet to find it. 

We then headed to our local Kiwi cafe, Jandals for this:

and this:
Sitting here:

We then went for a drive around Scarborough and dreamed about houses we might one day live in (you know, when we’re old and rich!) It was then coffee o’clock so we grabbed a couple of take-aways and went for a walk on the Redcliffe pier.

After dropping Chanbe off for an afternoon with Aunty Liesel, Hubs and I met my parents for a Gold Class screening of the second Sherlock Holmes movie. So. Much. Fun.

And to top the day off, we met up with our immediate family (there were 12 of us) for a scrumptious dinner at the Brekky Creek Hotel. By the end of the night, I finally started to feel like it was my birthday. And what a great one it was…

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