Not according to plan

As I mentioned yesterday, our weekend just gone didn’t go exactly to plan. I headed down to Melbs on my own on Friday evening to attend a celebrant professional development session on the Saturday. When I was getting ready to go, I just had this feeling that I really wanted to stay home, and since I’m not generally very intuitive, it intrigued me that I felt such a strong pull to stay home. But we decided I was just being silly, and I just didn’t want to go because it was cold and dark. I headed off around 6pm and  stayed with our good friends (Chanbe’s Godmum and her family) and had a lovely evening catching up with them all Friday night.

Saturday morning I headed to the PD session, and although it was okay, it wasn’t as good as previous years. I told Hubs that it probably wasn’t worth me coming down for, but nonetheless, it was done and I was on my way home just after 3pm.

At 4pm, my engine warning light came on and the car lost power so I had to pull over. On the Hume Highway. At 110km/hr. Not scary, just annoying. I gave the car a few minutes, started it up again and took off. Only a few hundred meters down the road, it happened again. Damn. I called Hubs and he suggested a couple of things that I tried, but after the third time, I called roadside assistance. They were out within about 30 mintues and determined that it was an electrical problem and that I had to get the car towed.

Damn damn DAMN!!!! It was 5pm by this stage and I was in a bit of a state. I was still about 200km from Wang so I couldn’t get it towed there, so we decided to tow it to Kilmore and I’d try and get home on the train. Thankfully there was a train leaving from Broadford (just near where I was broken down) at 6:30pm to connect me with the 7:30pm train from Seymour to get me home by 9pm. The truck came at 6pm, dropped me off at the train station and thankfully all the connections worked out well. The train didn’t get in until 9:40pm, so I was home just before 10pm, in time to sing Happy Birthday to Hubs.

So here I am, with my car in Kilmore, and a phone number for the auto-electrician to call tomorrow. I’m hoping SO much that it’s not going to cost too much, but I guess it’ll be what it’ll be. The irony? I was going to book the car in for a service THIS WEEK to get it checked out before our big trip to Adelaide in a couple of weeks. But maybe it wouldn’t have been picked up in a general service. Who knows?

The only thing I know is, it could have been so much worse. I’m so glad that a) it didn’t happen on my way TO Melbourne the night before in the dark; b) it happened in an area that I had mobile and internet service; and c) it happened when Chanbe wasn’t in the car with me. Not exactly what I needed at this time, but you know. It happens.

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