When husbands help

In case you missed the news, Hubs is off for 3 weeks on study leave. Having him at home for this study can be tricky, as I can’t really help myself – if I know he’s there, I’ll offer him endless cups of tea or interrupt him for “just a sec” which is infuriating I’m sure when you’re in the study zone. So I’ve been trying very hard to just leave the house with the kids as much as possible.

The wonderful thing is, Hubs has been getting up with the kids in the morning and doing the breakfast shift while I catch a few more precious zzzz’s. But this morning, thing went a bit awry.

When you’re on your own most mornings from 7am, you get into certain routines with the kids; routines that are essential for getting out the damn door in the morning. On a kindy morning, this means getting up around 6am, having brekky together, cleaning up, packing lunches (if I haven’t done it the night before) (I never do it the night before. Wait… I think I did it once and thought “I should do 1this all the time!), packing kindy bags and heading out the door by 8am. Most of the time, we do it pretty well, but this morning was a disaster.

Hubs offered to walk the kids to kindy, but there was a lot more stuffing around and they didn’t set off until 8:30am, by which time Chance had started building something with his Lego and made it very clear that he did not want to go to kindy today.

After trying to negotiate, be understanding, talk about all the great things he would get to do, there was no budging him. Then the screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth began.

It was not a smooth drop-off to say the least. Thankfully I got the “it’s all good” text half an hour later. This is what happens when we stray from the routine people!!

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