Flashback Friday

Six years ago, almost to the day, I fell over in KMart and broke three bones in my foot. You can read about it here. And you can see some great shots here.  After my three month recovery I was told that I would never run again. I figured I’d never run before that so it wasn’t that much of a disappointment.

Gotta love the green whistle ☺

When the cast came off and I was surprised and disappointed that I couldn’t just walk out of the hospital.

It took months before I was completely pain free, and since then I’ve been great. I even ran (shuffled) my first (and so far only) 5k back in 2013  with my dear friend Beth.

Today I hit the pavement again and ran for the first time since becoming pregnant with Julius. I ran 2k in 16:39 and I was actually pretty pleased about that time (mostly that I didn’t stop) and my recovery. And tomorrow I’m going to head on down to the Redcliffe Parkrun. I’m planning on making this a regular thing and I have a few time goals that I’ve set as well.

My trainer took this very sneaky photo of me.

So I guess this might be my new Day 1 when it comes to running! Hmmm… We’ll see….


  1. Sneaky trainer was pretty impressed that you maintained a consistent pace Renae, didn’t stop and even put your foot on the gas pedal for the last hundred meters. This is Day #1 and I’m so glad that you have this a reminder to look back on.

    The only impossible goal is the one you never begin!!

    Let’s pound that pavement woman!!

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