Some days

Some days I write a blog post and when I go to save it, it vanishes. So let’s try this again… Some days I just want to sit on the sun and drink coffee with Hubs. Some days I just want to hold this little guy close to my chest and never let go. Some…

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The Rocky Swap

Oh man talk about garage sale heaven. Our family of five spent the morning at the Rocky Swap yesterday. To be honest it was all a bit overwhelming – almost 1100 stalls, expected crowds of over 10,000 people, and a 4-year-old wishing to seek out the perfect toy. We got plenty of comments on our…

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So that just happened

I’m on facebook. Oh man that hurts just a little bit. I joined to promote my marriage celebrant services, and I’m still trying to figure out what the heck I am doing. I know that It’s been so long since I’ve spent longer than 10 minutes in front of a computer, and I’m so behind…

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He may never

After walking around the house and picking up Hubs’ boots from the front door, shirt from the loungeroom, pants from the toyroom and bag on top of the open dishwasher door (yes, this happened), I realised that Hubs may never be the guy who picks up after himself. I was considering this the other night,…

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Feeling existential?

Google “Uptown Funk” and watch the film clip. It’s impossible not to smile and want to try some of the moves in this music video. Is that what you kids are calling them these days? Do you remember RAGE? I never watched RAGE. It was too hip for me. I was a Video Hits kinda…

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Nearly bed time

Over the last seven days, four out of the five members of this family have been hit with a nasty bout of gastro. I am the only one left standing. As it got passed to each family member, it got worse for that next person in line. Hubs was the latest victim, with it hitting…

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A glimpse

Do you ever catch a quick look at yourself in the mirror and see something you didn’t expect to see? That happened to me last Thursday. You know, the cheesecake day? After spending the majority of the afternoon kicking myself for eating too much cake, my self esteem and body image were taking a bit…

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